PLEASE DON'T EMAIL ME DIRECTLY. You need to apply first to the university, then your application will be considered by the department/program where it will be visible to myself and others.
- University of Maryland
- Full Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
- Full Professor, Applied Math & Statistics, & Scientific Computation Program
- Affiliate, Institute for Systems Research
- Faculty Coordinator, Energy Systems Management and Policy certificate program, member of Faculty for Office of Advanced Engineering Education
- Other Appointments
-Adjunct Professor, Energy Transition Programme, Dept. of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway https://www.ntnu.edu/energytransition - -Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland (https://math.aalto.fi/en/),
-Research Professor, DIW (German Institute for Economic Research), Berlin, Germany
-Associated member, GERAD, Montréal, Canada (2014-present) - Google Scholar
- Gilbert White Fellow, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC (2007-2008)
- Professeur Invité Trottier, Institut de L'Énergie Trottier, Montréal, Canada, (2014-2015)
- Humboldt Fellow, DIW Berlin, Germany (2015-2016)
- Visiting Professor, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland (2021), https://math.aalto.fi/en/people/steven.gabriel
- Jubilee Professor, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden (February- June, 2022), http://www.chalmers.se/en/research/our-scientists/pages/jubilee-professors.aspx
- Otto Mønsted Professor, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark (December 2022-Februrary 2023),https://www.dtu.dk/english/person/steven-gabriel?id=191976&entity=profile
---TAI Conferences, Interviews & Podcasts, Advisory, Panels, & Editorial & Activities -----
- Trans-Atlantic Conferences
Trans-Atlantic Infraday (TAI), General Chair/Scientific Committee (since 2007), http://blog.umd.edu/tai/
13th TAI + Trans-Atlantic Week, https://blogs.aalto.fi/tai2021 - Interviews & Podcasts
1. Interviewed on National Public Radio (May 4, 2011 on WYPR in Baltimore) as an expert on natural gas markets, 2011 .
2. Intervied on Marketplace about LNG (liquefied natural gas) and China for National Public Radio May 14, 2019.
3. Interviewd on NTNU Energy Transition Podcast, (January 6, 2022), #5 "Joe Biden's Infrastructure Bill and its Influence on the Energy Transition," https://open.spotify.com/episode/7ur1W3CxO2PMPVcc47SRL3?si=LBh4SrMaQBu6N8CtiNowJQ
- Advisory
U.S. Department of Energy:
1. Expert panel member, International Natural Gas Model, Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC, 2005.
2. Expert panel member for's review of an Fossil Energy Program, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA, 2005.
3. Expert panel member , International Natural Gas Model, Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC, 2009.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Advisory Board Member, Energy Transition Programme, Trondheim, Norway 2017-present.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Expert Panelist at Workshop on Methods for R&D Portfolio Analysis and Evaluation, Golden, CO July, 2019.
Sandia National Laboratory, External Advisory Board Member of SECURE cyber-security project, Albuquerque, NM 2019-2021. - Panels
1. Ecole des mines de Paris – Chair The Economics of Gas. Panelist on Russian gas situation in Europe and REPower EU plan. https://isr.umd.edu/news/story/steven-gabriel-to-speak-on-new-gas-perspectives-for-the-eu, June 1, 2022. - Editorial Appointments
1. Guest Editor, Energy Systems, Special Issue on Planning under uncertainty in the energy transition ICSP2019 conference, 2019-2020
2. Associate Editor, Energy Strategy Reviews, 2014-2015
3. Associate Editor , Energy Economics, 2006-2012.
4. Associate Editor for Energy, Operations Research, 1999-2006.
5. Area Editor for Energy, Networks and Spatial Economics, 1999-2014.
6. Member of Editorial Board, ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering, 2013-present.
7. Associate Editor, Optimization and Engineering, 2013-2017
---------------------Previous UMD Appointments-------------------
- University of Maryland
-Full Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland (2000-2015)
-Faculty Director, Master of Engineering and Public Policy Program, University of Maryland, (2009-2013)
--Affiliate, School of Public Policy
- Education
Ph.D., Mathematical Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University, 1992.
M.A., Mathematical Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University, 1989.
M.S., Operations Research, Stanford University, 1984.
B.A., French (concentration: Applied Mathematics), Middlebury College, 1981.