Complementarity Models for Electric Power Market Equilibria
Sponsor: N/A
Research Team (UMD): Steven A. Gabriel
Research Team (UCLM): Raquel Garcia-Bertrand, Antonio Conejo
Dr. Steven A. Gabriel, Dr. Antonio Conejo (UCLM=Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain), and Dr. Raquel García-Bertrand (Ph.D., UCLM 2005) have developed models for electric power market equilibria based on complementarity formulations. These models additionally take into account that the market operator enforces a minimum profit condition (as in the case of Mainland Spain). The resulting formulation is thus an example of a discretely-constrained mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (DC-MPEC). Several algorithms have been proposed for solution of this electric power planning problem.
Selected Recent Papers
- R. García-Bertrand, A. J. Conejo, S. A. Gabriel, 2005. "Multi-Period Near-Equilibrium in a Pool-Based Electricity Market Including On/Off Decisions," Networks and Spatial Economics, 5(4), 371-393.
- S. A. Gabriel, R. García-Bertrand, P. Sahakij, A. Conejo. 2006. "A Practical Approach in Approximating Bilinear Functions in Mathematical Programming Problems by Using Schur's Decomposition and SOS Type 2 Variables," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57, 995-1004.
- R. García-Bertrand, A. J. Conejo, S. A. Gabriel, 2006."Electricity Market Near-Equilibrium Under Locational Marginal Pricing and Minimum Profit Conditions," European Journal of Operational Research, 174, 457-479.
Selected Recent Presentations
- Pool-Based Electricity Market Equilibrium under LMP and Minimum Profit Conditions, (invited talk with A. Conejo and R. Garcia-Bertrand), INFORMS Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 2003.
- Pool-Based Electricity Market Equilibrium Under Locational Marginal Pricing, (invited talk with A. Conejo and R. García-Bertrand), INFORMS Conference, San Jose California, November 17-20, 2002.