Multiobjective optimization in land development
Sponsor: University of Maryland
Research Team: Steven A. Gabriel, José A. Faria, Glenn E. Moglen
Dr. Steven A. Gabriel, Dr. José Faria (Ph.D. , CEE UMD, 2005, Florida International University), Dr. Glenn Moglen, have developed multiobjective optimization models in land development. These models balance the objectives of different stakeholders such as: government planners, environmentalists, and land developers. Typically, the related optimization problems are mixed-integer linear or quadratic programs.
Selected Recent Papers
- G. E. Moglen, S. A. Gabriel, J. A. Faria, 2003. "A Framework for Quantitative Smart Growth in Land Development," Journal of the American Water Resources, 39(4),947-959.
- S. A. Gabriel, J. A. Faria, G.E. Moglen 2006. "A Multiobjective Optimization Approach to Smart Growth in Land Development," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 40, 212-248.
- J.A. Faria and S.A. Gabriel, " A Hybrid Approach of Lagrangian Relaxation and Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for a Multiobjective Land Development Problem Applied to Montgomery County, Maryland, USA," June 2008, in review.
Selected Recent Presentations
- Decomposition Methods Applied to a Land Development Problem (invited talk with J.A. Faria), INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, California, November 2005.
- Bi Level Optimization of a Land Development Problem with Minimum Spanning Trees (invited talk with J.A. Faria), INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, California, November 2005.
- A Multiobjective Approach to Solving "Smart Growth" Land Deveopment Problems, (invited talk with J.A. Faria, G.E. Moglen), INFORMS Conference, San Jose California, November 17-20, 2002.