Maryland Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
Sponsor: Maryland Department of the Environment
Research Team (UMD): Steven A. Gabriel (co-PI), Matthias Ruth (PI), Kim Ross, Russell Conklin, Julia Miller, Dan Nees
Research Team (RFF): Karen Palmer, Dallas Burtraw, Anthony Paul
Research Team (JHU): Ben Hobbs, Yihsu Chen
Research Team (TU): Jeffrey Michael, Darius Irani
The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) contracted with the University of Maryland, through the Center for Integrative Environmental Research, to conduct an independent study of the economic and energy impacts related to Maryland’s potential participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). This study which also included team members from Resources for the Future (RFF), The Johns Hopkins University (JHU), and Towson University (TU), was used to guide the Governor's office relative to joining RGGI.
Selected Recent Papers
- M. Ruth, S.A. Gabriel, K. Palmer, D. Burtraw, A. Paul, Y. Chen, B.F. Hobbs, D. Irani, J. Michael, K. Ross, R. Conklin, J. Miller , "Economic and Energy Impacts from Participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: A Case Study of the State of Maryland," Energy Policy, accepted, March 2008.
Selected Recent Presentations
- Analyzing the Long-run Impact of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, (invited talk with Y. Chen, D. Burtraw, B.F. Hobbs, S. Kim, K. Palmer, A. Paul), INFORMS, Seattle, Washington, November 7, 2007.