ENCE 723
Project Decision Making with Competing Objectives, and
Multi-Objective Optimization*
(courses are cross listed)
* Formerly ENCE 688z
Wednesdays 3:45-6:15pm, EGR 0312
Fall 2004
Dr. Steven A. Gabriel
Project Management Program
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering and
Applied Math & Scientific Computation Program
Contact Information:
1143 Martin Hall
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
tel. 301.405.3242, fax 301.405.2585
sgabriel "at" umd.edu
Office Hours:
Wednesdays 11am-12, 2:45pm-3:45pm, 6:15-7:15pm
(starting week of 10/18/04), or by appointment
Course Assistant:
Mr. Jose Faria
josefaria "at" compuserve.com
Office hours: (EGR 0312): by appointment or email.