ENCE 688e Energy Market Modeling
Fall 2011, Approximate Schedule and Homeworks
Weeks |
Dates |
Subject | Homeworks |
1 |
6 Sep | Overview and Background 1. Energy Markets History 2. Energy Basics |
HW#1 given out Readings: 1. Gabriel et al., Chapter 3 as appropriate (microeconomics background) 2. Other homework#1 readings (see elms.umd.edu) |
2 |
13 Sep | " " (Part of the class will be devoted to starting Optimization-1, Weeks 3-5) |
" " |
3 |
20 Sep | Optimization- 1: "Easier" Problems 1. Optimization Basics (KKT Conditions, Convexity, Multiplicity of Solutions, etc.) 2. Transportation Problem 3. Unit Commitment Optimization Problem 4. Pooling Problem 5. Multiobjective Optimization 6. Other "Easier" Optimization Problems (Time Permitting) |
4 |
27 Sep | " " | " " |
5 |
4 Oct * |
" " Make-up class: Sept. 28, 9-11:30am, ITV 1100 (for those that can be there) |
HW#2 given out " " |
6 |
11 Oct * | Energy Sources Make-up class: Sept. 28, 1-3:30pm, ITV 1100 (for those that can be there) |
HW#1 due |
7 |
18 Oct | Network Engineering Aspects |
1. Schweppe: Appendix |
8 |
25 Oct | 2. Power Networks: |
Readings: 1. Gabriel et al., Chapters 1,2,4 as appropriate. 2. Other homework#2 readings (see elms.umd.edu) 3. Schweppe: Appendix 4. Kirschen & Strbac, Chap. 6 |
9 |
1 Nov+7 Nov | 2. Power Networks: Equilibrium Problems-1 Make-up class: Nov. 7, 9-11:30am, ITV 1100 (for those that can be there) |
10 |
8 Nov | Global and Emissions Aspects of Energy Markets
(Olivier Massol**, Elisabeth Gilmore***) |
HW#2 due Readings: 1. TBD 2. Other homework#3 readings (see elms.umd.edu) |
11 |
15 Nov* | Equilibrium Problems-2: Two-Level Equilibria Make-up class: Nov. 9, 12:30-3pm, ITV 1100 (for those that can be there) |
HW#3 given out Readings: |
12 |
22 Nov | " " | |
13 |
29 Nov | Optimization-2 (Jeremy Eckhause, UMCP) 1. Real options 2. Risk Planning and Stochastic Dynamic Programming 3. Public Sector R&D Planning 4. Carbon Capture and Sequestration Real Options Valuation |
-Project Proposals Due Readings TBD |
14 |
6 Dec | Practical Use of Energy Market Models -Dr. Jean André, Air Liquide Research -Other Guest speaker TBD |
Readings TBD |
15 |
13 Dec | Student Presentations of Projects (Intermediate or Final Results) | -Take-Home Exam Given out on Friday 9 Dec. 2011 , due by
2pm Tuesday 13 Dec. 2011 (will include some GAMS problems from HW3-longer lead time) |
16 |
19 Dec. | Student Project Reports Due | 19 Dec. 2011, Monday morning, 8:30am EST for project reports/GAMS codes |
* Travel dates, class will be rescheduled and pre-recorded on Blackboard, make-up class dates indicated.
** Professor at Institut Français du Pétrole Energies Nouvelles, Paris, France
*** Professor in School of Public Policy, UMCP
Class Texts
Complementarity Modeling in Energy Markets, S.A. Gabriel, A.J. Conejo, J.D. Fuller, B.F. Hobbs, C. Ruiz, Springer, anticiapted Fall 2011 (pdf copies of various chapters to be provided)
Other sources as needed