Case Studies
Final Report
Format: Must be typed, specific sections required (see below), only Matlab models allowed.
1. Overview and Significance of Problem (maximum of 1 page) | Total points: 1 |
2. Mathematical Formulation Must clearly define variables, constants, and all notation used (maximum of 2 pages) | Total points: 2 |
3. Data Sources Must clearly describe the source of the dataset as well as the data elements (maximum of 2 pages) | Total points: 2 |
4. Analysis Must clearly describe and present the results of an analysis of using the model: Key scenarios, assumptions, output, recommendations (maximum of 3 pages) | Total points: 2 |
5. Conclusions, Future Work, Course Concepts Used, Problems Encountered (maximum of 1 page) | Total points: 1 |
6. Matlab code and relevant data files (if any), this needs to be emailed as the code will be checked to see that it actually runs correctly | Total points: 2 |
Total points for project: 10, maximum number of pages (single-spaced): 10 |
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