ENME 741
Operations Research Models in Engineering
Case Study (to be assigned)
The point of the case study is to develop appropriate optimization models based on course concepts but with only preliminary data and assumptions provided. As compared to homeworks where more precise instructions are given in terms of particular methods or models to use, the case studies will be more open-ended. It will be the responsibility of the students to figure out what is the best approach and to write up the resorts in a short report as specified below. One to three students may work together on the case studies as opposed to homeworks where students must complete the work by themselves. Case study teams must be approved by Dr. Gabriel at least one week prior to the assignment.
Case Study Report
Format: Must be typed, specific sections required (see below), only GAMS models allowed.
1. Overview of Problem (maximum of 1/2 page) | Total points: 0.5 |
2. Mathematical Formulation Must clearly define variables, constants, and all notation used (maximum of 3 pages) | Total points: 3.0 |
3. Data Sources Must clearly describe the source of the dataset as well as the data elements (maximum of 2 pages) | Total points: 1.0 |
4. Analysis Must clearly describe and present the results of an analysis of using the model: Key scenarios, assumptions, output, recommendations (maximum of 3 pages) | Total points: 3.0 |
5. Conclusions, Future Work, Course Concepts Used, Problems Encountered, References (maximum of 1.5 pages) | Total points: 1.0 |
6. GAMS code and relevant data files (if any), this needs to be emailed as the GAMS code will be checked to see that it actually runs correctly; the code needs to be well documented | Total points: 1.5 |
Total points for project: 10, maximum number of pages (single-spaced): 10 NOTE: DEVIATION FROM THIS FORMAT INCLUDING GREATER THAN 10 PAGES MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF POINTS |
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