Contracts and Grants Awarded
External Funding
Sponsor | Title | Amount | Dates |
U.S. Dept. of Energy, ASA/EIA Fellowship Program (sole PI) | Accelerating NEMS Convergence Using Theoretical and Numerical Methods | $32,250 | Summer 2001 |
National Science Foundation (sole PI) | Computational Methods for Equilibrium Problems with Micro-Level Data | $239,131 | 09/01/2001- 08/31/2005 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Optimization of Distribution of Malodorous Products | $34,000 | 01/01/2003- 12/31/2003 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Optimization of Distribution of Malodorous Products | $45,844 | 10/01/2003- 09/30/2004 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Statistical Modeling of Biosolids Odor Levels | $60, 822 | 10/01/2003- 09/30/2004 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Statistical Modeling of Biosolids Odor Levels | $40,000 | 10/01/2004-09/30/2005 |
National Science Foundation (sole PI) | Methods and Models for Stochastic Energy Market Equilibria | $273,501 | 08/01/2004- 07/31/2008 |
National Science Foundation (co-PI, S. Gabriel 20%, PI, S. Milner, co-PIs, C. Davis, M. Shayman) |
PROWIN: Broadband Optical/ RF Wireless Networks with Topology and Diversity Control | $120,000 S. Gabriel ($600,000 total project) |
09/01/2004- 08/31/2007 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Optimization of Distribution of Malodorous Products | $40,000 | 01/01/2005- 09/30/2005 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Multiobjective Optimization Modeling to Balance Biosolids Odors and Costs | $42,382 | 10/01/05- 09/30/06 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Statistical Modeling of Biosolids Odor Levels | $42,977 | 10/01/05- 09/30/06 |
Maryland Department of the Environment (co-PI) | Study of Economic and Energy Impacts of RGGI Participation | $371,487 | 07/01/06- 04/30/07 |
Chevron (sole PI) | Methods and Models for Petroleum Supply Chain | $25,000 | 08/09/06- 09/30/06 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Multiobjective Optimization Modeling to Balance Biosolids Odors and Costs | $25,000 | 10/01/06- 09/30/07 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Statistical Modeling of Biosolids Odor Levels | $25,000 | 10/01/06- 09/30/07 |
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, TransCoop Program (co-PI) | Study of Energy Markets, Methods, and International Conference , co-PI with Christian von Hirschhausen (Germany), David Fuller (Canada) |
€42,800 | three years starting summer 2007 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Statistical Modeling of Biosolids Odor Levels | $36,318 | 10/01/07 - 09/30/08 |
Office of Naval Research (co-PI) | Multi-Objective Optimization with Mixed Continuous-Discrete Variability | $362,425 | 01/01/08 - 12/31/10 |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (sole PI) | Postdoc Cooperation between NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway) and UMD Sponsored by the RAMONA Project | $53,569 | 08/18/08 - 09/15/09 |
Statistics Norway (sole PI) | The World Gas Model and a Gas Cartel Study | $41,899 | 08/01/09 - 08/31/10 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Planning Models for Renewable Energy at DC-WASA | $49,498 | 10/01/09 - 09/30/10 |
Norwegian Research Council (via SINTEF/NTNU) (S. Gabriel-PI, M. Ruth co-PI), SINTEF, University of Maryland (UMD), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Tsinghua University, Joint Global Change Research Institute | Linking Global and Regional Energy Strategies (LinkS) | UMD portion: $629,000
12/09/09 - 06/08/14 |
U.S. Dept. of Energy (sole PI) | Overview of Natural Gas Markets and the World Gas Model | $70,000 | 01/13/10 - 09/12/10 |
American Air Liquide (sole PI) | Development of Math Models and Optimization Methods for Energy Procurement Problems at Air Liquide | $142,345 | 09/20/10-09/30/11 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Planning Models for Renewble Energy at DC-WASA | $38,061 | 11/01/10-09/30/11 |
NSF (EAGER) (PI: S. Azarm, Co-PIs S.A. Gabriel, P.K. Kannan) | EAGER: Design for Bundling Decisions with Marketing and Public Policy Considerations | $99,985 | 08/01//11-7/31/12 |
American Air Liquide (sole PI) | Development of Math Models and Optimization Methods for Energy Procurement Problems at Air Liquide (Phase 3) | $178,000 | 10/01/11-09/30/12 |
SESYNC Ventures (PI: S.A. Gabriel, Co-PIs L. Olson, E. Gilmore) | Wastewater-to-energy and other sustainability modeling | $110,000 (approx.) | 6/1/13-12/31/14 |
Electricite de France (EDF) (sole PI) | Phase 1 Study The Effect of Canal Fees on LNG Shipping? | $40,029 | 12/05/13-4/15/14 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (sole PI) | Continued Development of the Sustainable Wastewater Management Model (SWMM) | $44,154 | 10/1/13-9/30/14 |
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (PI: S.A. Gabriel, co-PI C. U-tapao) | Continued Development of the Sustainable Wastewater Management Model (SWMM) | $40,000 | 10/1/43-9/30/15 |
The Petroleum Institute (PI: B. Balachandran, co-PI S.A. Gabriel (a number of other co-PIs too)) | GOALI: Pipeline System Integrity Management | $ 5,602,522 | 10/01/15 - 09/30/20 |
Maryland Industrial Partnership Program (MIPS) |
Economic Demand Response Stochastic Optimization (Phase 1) | $ 200,000 | 2/01/17-1/31/18 |
Maryland Industrial Partnership Program (MIPS) (PI: Gabriel) |
Economic Demand Response Stochastic Optimization (Phase 2) | $ 150,000 | 2/01/18-6/30/19 |
Research Council of Norway (PI: Tomasgard (NTNU), co-PI: Gabriel+ others) |
Trans Atlantic Cooperation on Energy Market Modelling | 6,348,562 NOK | 1/1/18-12/31/22 |
Lockheed Martin (PI: Azarm, co-PI: Gabriel) | V&V of Autonomous Systems via Robust Optimization and Games | $ 150,000 | 10/8/18 – 10/7/19 |
Independent Research Fund Denmark (PI: Boomsma (University of Copenhagen), co-PIs: Gabriel, Conejo (Ohio State University)) |
Energy Sector Coupling, Market Equilibrium, and Decarbonization Policies: Consolidation of Technical and Economic Modeling | 2,824,874 DKK | 04/01/21-03/31/25 |
National Science Foundation (PI: Gabriel, co-PI, Brubaker) | Game Theoretic Modeling for Improved Management of Water and Wastewater Resources Using Equilibrium Programming and Feedback Mechanisms | $ 553,407 | 06/01/2021-05/31/2024 |
Petrobras (PI: Gabriel) | Competitive Natural Gas Market Modeling | $876,783 | 6/19/2023-6/18/2026 |
Internal University of Maryland Funding
Sponsor | Title | Amount | Dates |
General Research Board, UMCP (sole PI) | Methods for Risk Management in the Electrical Power Industry | $8,500 | Summer 2001 |
Minta Martin Fund, UMCP (sole PI) |
Computing Air Traffic Flows Under Free Flight Using an Equilibrium Modeling Approach | $50,000 | 06/01/2001- 08/31/2002 |
National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education, UMCP (Co-PI, S. Gabriel, 50%, co-PI, G. Moglen, 50%) |
Are Smart Growth Objectives Complementary or Conflicting?, a Multiobjective Optimization Approach | $20,000 | 2001-2002 |
National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education, UMCP (sole PI) | A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach to Smart Growth | $20,000 | 2002-2003 |
Funding Prior to Joining the University of Maryland
Sponsor | Title | Amount | Dates |
U.S. Dept. of Energy | Convergence Analysis of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) | $28, 680 | 1993-1994 |
U.S. Dept. of Energy | Develop & Conduct Short Course on Equilibrium Modeling in Energy | $4,480 | 1994 |
U.S. Dept. of Energy | Analysis of Electrical Power Generation Prices for NEMS | $5,000 | 1996 |
U.S. Dept. of Energy | Analysis of NEMS | $10,000 | 1998 |
U.S. Dept. of Energy | Gas Systems Analysis Model (GSAM) (won by ICF Consulting, 33%) | $420,000 | 9/95-8/00 |
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