Publications / Manuscripts (in chronological order)
Dr. Steven A. Gabriel
(underlined = graduate student co-author)
# of Citations, h-index, i10-index, on Google Scholar
- S.A. Gabriel, A.J. Conejo, B.F. Hobbs, D. Fuller, C. Ruiz, Complementarity Modeling In Energy Markets, Springer, 2013, New York.
- S. A. Gabriel and J. S. Pang, 1994. "A Trust Region Method for Constrained Nonsmooth Equations," in Large-Scale Optimization: State of the Art, edited by W.W. Hager, D.W. Hearn, and P. Pardalos, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 159-186.
- D. Bernstein and S. A. Gabriel, 1997. "Solving the Nonadditive Traffic Equilibrium Problem," in Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems Network Optimization, P. M. Pardalos, D. W. Hearn, W. W. Hager, eds., Springer, 72-102.
- S. A. Gabriel and Y. Smeers, 2006. "Complemenatarity Problems in Restructured Natural Gas Markets," Recent Advances in Optimization. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Edited by A. Seeger,Vol. 563, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 343-373.
- S.A. Gabriel, S. Vilalai, P. Sahakij, M. Ramirez, C. Peot. 2010. "Models for Improving Management of Biosolids Odors," in Uncertainty and Environmental Decision Making, Springer, 315-334.
- S.A. Gabriel, Complementarity Applications with Emphasis on Infrastructure Models, Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, S.I. Gass and M.C. Fu, eds., Springer, NY, accepted and in press (anticipated early 2012).
- S.A. Gabriel, A.M. Moe, K.E. Rosendahl, and M. Tsygankova, 2013. "The Likelihood and Potential Implications of a Natural Gas Cartel," in Handbook on Energy and Climate Change, edited by R. Fouquet, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, UK.
- H.C. Bylling, Trine K. Boomsma, S.A. Gabriel, 2019. "A Parametric Programming Approach to Bilevel Electricity Transmission Investment Problems," Chapter 6 in Transmission Network Investment in Liberalized Power Markets, Springer (Lecture Notes in Energy),Editors: M. R. Hesamzadeh (KTH, Swden), J. Rosellon (CIDE, Mexico and DIW, Germany), I. Vogelsang (Boston University, US), accepted June, 2019.
- S.A. Gabriel, "Bilevel Optimization in Energy Systems," in Research Handbook on Energy Management, Edward Elgar Publishing, in press, October, 2022.
- S. A. Gabriel and J. S. Pang, 1992. "An Inexact NE/SQP Method for Solving the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem," Computational Optimization and Applications, 1(1), 67-91.
- J. S. Pang and S. A. Gabriel, 1993. "NE/SQP: a Robust Algorithm for the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem," Mathematical Programming, 60(1), 295-337.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1998. "An NE/SQP Method for the Bounded Nonlinear Complementarity Problem," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 97(2), 493-506.
- S. A. Gabriel and D. Bernstein, 1997. "The Traffic Equilibrium Problem with Nonadditive Costs," Transportation Science, 31(4), 337-348.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1998. "A Hybrid Smoothing Method for the Mixed Nonlinear Complementarity Problem," Computational Optimization and Applications, 9(2), 153-173.
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Vikas, D. M. Ribar, 2000. "Measuring the Influence of Canadian Carbon Stabilization Programs on Natural Gas Exports to the United States via a Bottom-Up Intertemporal Spatial Price Equilibrium Model," Energy Economics, 22(5), 497-525.
- S. A. Gabriel and D. Bernstein, 2000. "Nonadditive Shortest Paths: Subproblems in Multi-Agent Competitive Network Models," Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 6, 29-45.
- S. A. Gabriel, A. S. Kydes, P. Whitman, 2001. "The National Energy Modeling System: A Large-Scale Energy-Economic Equilibrium Model," Operations Research, 49 (1), 14-25.
- S. A. Gabriel, M.F. Genc, and S. Balakrishnan, 2002. "A Simulation Approach to Balancing Annual Risk and Reward in Retail Electrical Power Markets," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 17 (4), 1050-1057.
- G. E. Moglen, S. A. Gabriel, J. A. Faria, 2003. "A Framework for Quantitative Smart Growth in Land Development," Journal of the American Water Resources, 39(4), 947-959.
- S. A. Gabriel, J. Manik , S. Vikas, 2003. "Computational Experience with a Large-Scale, Multi-Period, Spatial Equilibrium Model of the North American Natural Gas System," Networks and Spatial Economics, 3(2), 97-122.
- S. A. Gabriel, P. Sahakij, S. Balakrishnan, 2004. "Optimal Retailer Load Estimates Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming," ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering, 130(1), 1-17.
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Kiet, S. Balakrishnan, 2004. "A Mixed Integer Stochastic Optimization Model for Settlement Risk in Retail Electric Power Markets," Networks and Spatial Economics 4, 323-345.
- R. García-Bertrand, A. J. Conejo, S. A. Gabriel, 2005. "Multi-Period Near-Equilibrium in a Pool-Based Electricity Market Including On/Off Decisions," Networks and Spatial Economics, 5(4), 371-393.
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Kiet, J. Zhuang, 2005. "A Mixed Complementarity-Based Equilibrium Model of Natural Gas Markets," Operations Research, 53(5), 799-818.
- S. A. Gabriel, J. Zhuang, S. Kiet, 2005. "A Large-Scale Complementarity Model of the North American Natural Gas Market," Energy Economics, 27(4), 639-665.
- S. A. Gabriel, A. J. Conejo, M. A. Plazas, S. Balakrishnan, 2006. "Optimal Price and Quantity Determination for Retail Electric Power Contracts," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 21(1), 180-187.
- S. A. Gabriel, S.Vilalai, S.C. Arispe, H. Kim, L.L. McConnell, A. Torrents, C. Peot, M. Ramirez, 2005. " Prediction of Dimethyl Disulfide Levels from Biosolids Using Statistical Modeling," J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A, 40(11), 2009-2025.
- S. A. Gabriel, J. A. Faria, G.E. Moglen, 2006. "A Multiobjective Optimization Approach to Smart Growth in Land Development," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 40(3), 212-248.
- S. A. Gabriel, R. García-Bertrand, P. Sahakij, A. Conejo, 2006. "A Practical Approach in Approximating Bilinear Functions in Mathematical Programming Problems by Using Schur's Decomposition and SOS Type 2 Variables," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57(8), 995-1004.
- R. García-Bertrand, A. J. Conejo, S. A. Gabriel, 2006. "Electricity Market Near-Equilibrium Under Locational Marginal Pricing and Minimum Profit Conditions," European Journal of Operational Research, 174, 457-479.
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Kumar, J. Ordóñez, A. Nasserian, 2006. "A Multiobjective Optimization Model for Project Selection with Probabilistic Considerations," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 40, 397-313.
- S. A. Gabriel, J.F. Ordóñez, and J. A. Faria, 2006. “Contingency Planning in Project Selection Using Multiobjective Optimization and Chance Constraints,” ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 12(2), 112-120.
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Vilalai, C. Peot, M. Ramirez, 2006. "Statistical Modeling to Forecast Odor Levels of Biosolids Applied to Reuse Sites," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering 132(5), 479-488.
- R. Egging, S. A. Gabriel, "Examining Market Power in the European Natural Gas Market", 2006. Energy Policy, 34(17), 2762-2778.
- S.A. Gabriel, P. Sahakij, M. Ramirez, C. Peot, 2007. "A Multiobjective Optimization Model for Processing and Distributing Biosolids to Reuse Fields," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58(7), 850-864.
- Y. Shim, S.A. Gabriel, A. Desai, P. Sahakij, S. Milner, 2008, "A Fast Heuristic Method for Minimizing Traffic Congestion on Reconfigurable Ring Topologies," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59, 521-539.
- J. Zhuang, S.A. Gabriel, 2008. "A Complementarity Model for Solving Stochastic Natural Gas Market Equilibria,"Energy Economics, 30(1), 113-147.
- R. Egging, S.A. Gabriel, F.Holz, J. Zhuang. 2008. "A Complementarity Model for the European Natural Gas Market," Energy Policy, 36(7), 2385-2414.
- M. Ruth, S.A. Gabriel, K. Palmer, D. Burtraw, A. Paul, Y. Chen, B.F. Hobbs, D. Irani, J. Michael, K. Ross, R. Conklin, J. Miller , 2008. "Economic and Energy Impacts from Participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: A Case Study of the State of Maryland," Energy Policy, 36(6), 2279-2289.
- S.A. Gabriel, Y. Shim, J. Llorca, S. Milner, 2008. "A Multiobjective Optimization Model for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Ring Topologies with Stochastic Load," Networks and Spatial Economics, 8(4), 419-441.
- S.A. Gabriel, J. Zhuang, R. Egging, 2009. “Solving Stochastic Complementarity Problems in Energy Market Modeling Using Scenario Reduction,” European Journal of Operational Research, 197(3), 1028-1040.
- R. Egging, F. Holz, C. von Hirschhausen, S.A. Gabriel, 2009. "Representing GASPEC with the World Gas Model," The Energy Journal, 30, 97-117.
- J.M. Eckhause, D.R. Hughes, S.A. Gabriel, 2009. " Evaluating Real Options for Mitigating Technical Risk in Public Sector R& D Acquisitions," International Journal of Project Management, 27, 365-377.
- S.A. Gabriel, Y. Shim, A.J. Conejo, S. de la Torre, R. García-Bertrand, 2010. "A Benders Decomposition Method for Discretely-Constrained Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 61(9), 1404-1419.
- S.A. Gabriel and J. D. Fuller, 2010. "A Benders Decomposition Method for Solving Stochastic Complementarity Problems with an Application in Energy," Computational Economics, 35(4), 301-329.
- S.A. Gabriel, F.U. Leuthold, 2010. "Solving Discretely-Constrained MPEC Problems with Applications in Electric Power Markets," Energy Economics, 32, 3-14.
- R. Egging , F. Holz, S. A. Gabriel, 2010. " The World Gas Model A Multi-Period Mixed Complementarity Model for the Global Natural Gas Market, " Energy, 35, 4016-4029.
- M. Ruth, A. Blohm, J. Mauer , S.A. Gabriel, V.G. Kesana, Y. Chen, B. Hobbs, D. Irani, 2010. "Strategies for Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reductions: Residential Natural Gas Efficiency, Economic and Ancillary Health Impacts in Maryland," Energy Policy, 38(11), 6926-6935.
- M. Li, S.A. Gabriel, Y. Shim, S. Azarm, 2011. " Interval Uncertainty-Based Robust Optimization for Convex and Non-Convex Quadratic Programs with Applications in Network Infrastructure Planning," Networks and Spatial Economics, 11, 159-191.
- S. Siddiqui, S. Azarm, S.A. Gabriel. 2011. “A Modified Benders Decomposition Method for Efficient Robust Optimization under Interval Uncertainty,” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 44(2), 259-275.
- P. Sahakij, S.A. Gabriel, M. Ramirez, C. Peot, 2011. "Multi-objective Optimization Models for Distributing Biosolids to Reuse Fields: A Case Study for the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant," Networks and Spatial Economics, 11(1), 1-22.
- S.A. Gabriel, K.E. Rosendahl, R. Egging, H. Avetisyan, S. Siddiqui, 2012. “Cartelization in Gas Markets: Studying the Potential for a ‘Gas OPEC’ ,” Energy Economics, 34(1), 137-152.
- J. Eckhause, S.A. Gabriel, D. R. Hughes, 2012. "An Integer Programming Approach for Evaluating R&D Funding Decisions with Optimal Budget Allocations," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 59(4), 679-691.
- S. Siddiqui, S. Azarm, S.A. Gabriel, 2012. “On Improving Normal Boundary Intersection Method for Generation of Pareto Frontier”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 46(6), 839-852.
- C. Ruiz , A.J. Conejo, S.A. Gabriel, 2012. "Pricing Non-Convexities in an Electricity Pool," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 27(3), 1334-1342.
- I. Abada, V. Briat , S.A. Gabriel, O. Massol, 2013. “A Generalized Nash-Cournot Model for the Northwestern European Natural Gas Markets with a Fuel Substitution Demand Function: the GaMMES Model,” Networks and Spatial Economics, 13(1), 1-42.
- S. Siddiqui and S.A. Gabriel, 2013. “An SOS1-Based Approach for Solving MPECs with a Natural Gas Market Application,” Networks and Spatial Economics, 13(2),205-227.
- S.A. Gabriel, A.J. Conejo, C. Ruiz, Sauleh Siddiqui , 2013. "Solving Discretely-Constrained, Mixed Linear Complementarity Problems with Applications in Energy, " Computers and Operations Research, 40(5), 1339-1350.
- S.A. Gabriel, S. Siddiqui, A.J. Conejo, C. Ruiz, 2013, “Discretely-Constrained, Nash-Cournot Games in Energy,” Networks and Spatial Economics, 13(3), 307-326.
- A. Mortazavi, S. Azarm, S.A. Gabriel, 2013. “Adaptive Gradient Assisted Robust Design Optimization Under Interval Uncertainty,” Engineering Optimization, 45 (11), 1287-1307, DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2012.734818.
- Y. Shim, M. Fodstad, S.A. Gabriel, A. Tomasgard, 2013. “ A Branch-and-Bound Method for Discretely-Constrained Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints,” Annals of Operations Research, 210 (1), 5-31, doi: 10.1007/s10479-012-1191-5.
- D. Huppmann, S.A. Gabriel, F. U. Leuthold, 2013. A Note of Allowing Negative Energy Prices in a Discretely Constrained MPEC," corrigendum to S.A. Gabriel, F.U. Leuthold, 2010. "Solving Discretely-Constrained MPEC Problems with Applications in Electric Power Markets," Energy Economics, 32, 3-14.
- S. Siddiqui, S.A. Gabriel, S. Azarm, 2015. “Solving Mixed-Integer Robust Optimization Problems with Interval Uncertainty Using Benders Decomposition,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66(4), 664-673.
- C. Ruiz, A.J. Conejo, J.D. Fuller, S.A. Gabriel, B.F. Hobbs, 2014. “A Tutorial Review of Complementarity Models for Decision-Making in Energy Markets,” EURO Journal of Decision Processes, 2(1-2), 91-120.
- S. Moryadee, S.A. Gabriel, H.G. Avetisyan, 2014. “Investigating the Potential Effects of U.S. LNG Exports on Global Natural Gas Markets, 2(3-4),Energy Strategy Reviews, 273-288.
- S. Moryadee, S.A. Gabriel, F. Rehulka, 2014. “The Influence of the Panama Canal on Global Gas Trade Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 20, 161-174.
- Iliana Ilieva and S.A. Gabriel, 2014. “Electricity Retailer’s Behavior in a Highly Competitive and Nordic Electricity Market,” The Journal of Energy Markets, 7(4), 17-46.
- C. U-tapao, S.A. Gabriel, C. Peot, and M. Ramirez, 2015. “A Stochastic, Multiobjective, Mixed-Integer Optimization Model for Management of Wastewater-Derived Energy,” J. of Energy Engineering, 141(1).
- B. R. Champion and S.A. Gabriel, 2015. " An improved strategic decision-making model for energy conservation measures," Energy Strategy Reviews 6, 92-108.
- M. Devine, S.A. Gabriel, S. Moryadee, 2016. "A Rolling Horizon Approach for Stochastic Mixed Complementarity Problems with Endogenous Learning: Application to Natural Gas Markets," Computers and Operations Research, 68, 1-15. preprint Cahiers du GERAD G-2015-14, February 2015,
- C. U-tapao, S. Moryadee, S.A. Gabriel, C. Peot and M. Ramirez, 2016. "A Stochastic, Two-Level Optimization Model for Compressed Natural Gas Infrastructure Investments in Wastewater Management, " Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering 28, 226–240.
- S. Siddiqui and S.A. Gabriel, 2017, Modeling Market Power in the U.S. Shale Gas Market,” Optimization and Engineering , 18(1), 203-213
- S. Moryadee and S.A. Gabriel, 2017. "Panama Canal Expansion: Will Panama Canal be a Game Changer for LNG Exports to Asia?, Journal of Energy Engineering, 143(1), February.
- B.R. Champion and S.A. Gabriel, 2017. "A Multistage Stochastic Energy Model with Endogenous Probabilities and a Rolling Horizon, Energy and Buildings, 135, 338-349.
- S.A. Gabriel, 2017. "Solving Discretely Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problems Using a Median Function," Optimization and Engineering, 18(3), 631-658, also preprint at Cahier du GERAD G-2015-123, November 2015.
- R. Heidary, S.A. Gabriel, M. Modarres, K. Groth, and N. Vahdati, 2018. "A review of oil and gas pipeline corrosion growth models applicable for prognostic and health management, ” accepted, International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, ISSN 2153-2648, 2018 009.
- M. R. Hesamzadeh, J. Rosellon, S. A. Gabriel, I. Vogelsang, 2018. "A Simple Regulatory Incentive Mechanism Applied to Electricity Transmission Pricing and Investment, Energy Economics, 75, 423-439.
- M. Reisi, S.A. Gabriel, B. Fahimnia, 2019. "Supply Chain Competition on Shelf Space and Pricing for Soft Drinks: A Bilevel Optimization Approach," International Journal of Production Economics, 211, 237-250.
- K. Dächert, S. Siddiqui, J. Saez-Gallego, S.A. Gabriel, J.M. Morales, 2019. “A bicriteria perspective on L-Penalty Approaches –A corrigendum to Siddiqui and Gabriel’s L-Penalty Approach for Solving MPECs,” accepted, Networks and Spatial Economics, January 2019.
- J.R. Schaperow, S.A. Gabriel, M. Siemann, J. Crawford, 2019. "A Simulation-Based Model for Optimal Demand Response Load Shifting: Case Study for the Texas Power Market,"Journal of Energy Markets, 12(4), 53-80.
- F. D. Fomeni, S.A. Gabriel, M. J. Anjos, 2019."Applications of Logic Constrained Equilibria to Traffic Networks and to Power Systems with Storage, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(2), 310-325.
- I. Ilieva and S.A. Gabriel, 2019. "The Impact of End-User Market Integration and Smart Grid on Electricity Retailers in the Nordic Region," Journal of Energy Markets, forthcoming.
- F. D. Fomeni, S.A. Gabriel, M. J. Anjos, 2019. "An RLT Approach for Solving the Binary-Constrained Mixed Linear Complementarity Problem, " Computers and Operations Research, 110, 48-59.
- P. Chanpiwat, S.A. Gabriel, R. Moglen, M. Siemann, 2020. “Using Cluster Analysis and Dynamic Programming for Demand Response Applied to Electricity Load in Residential Homes, ASME. J. Eng. Sustain. Bldgs. Cities, February 2020; 1(1): 011006.
- K.J. Quigley, S.A. Gabriel, S. Azarm, 2020. "Multiagent Unmanned Vehicle Trajectories with Rolling-Horizon Games," Military Operations Research, 25(4), 43-61.
- S. Risanger, S.-E. Fleten, S.A. Gabriel, 2020, "Inverse Equilibrium Analysis of Oligopolistic Electricity Markets,"IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35(6), 4159-4166.
- H. Bylling, S.A. Gabriel, T.K. Boomsma, 2020. “A Parametric Programming Approach to Bilevel Optimisation with Lower-Level Variables in the Upper Level,” Journal of the Operational Research Society, 71(5), 846-865.
- R. Weinhold and S.A. Gabriel, 2020. “Discretely Constrained Mixed Complementary Problems: Application and Analysis of a Stylised Electricity Market,"Journal of the Operational Research Society, 71(2), 237-249.
- R. L. Moglen, P. Chanpiwat, S.A. Gabriel , A. Blohm, 2020. “Optimal Thermostatically-Controlled Residential Demand Response for Retail Electric Providers,” Energy Systems, 1-21,
- B. R. Champion, S.A. Gabriel, A. Salo, 2020. "Risk-based Multistage Stochastic Energy Project Selection", July 2020, published online, Energy Systems,
- M. Askeland, T. Burandt, S.A. Gabriel, 2020. "A Stochastic MPEC Approach for Grid Tariff Design with Demand Side Flexibility," Energy Systems, 1-23
- T. Kallabis, S.A. Gabriel, C. Weber, 2020. “Strategic Generation Investment Using a Stochastic Rolling-Horizon MPEC Approach and Adaptive Risk Management,” Energy Systems, 1-29.
- A. Blohm, J. Crawford , S.A. Gabriel, 2021. “Demand response as a real-time, physical hedge for retail electricity providers: ERCOT Market Case Study,” Energies, 14(4), 808,
- S.A. Gabriel, M. Leal, M. Schmidt, 2021 “Solving Binary-Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problems Using Continuous Reformulations, ” Computers and Operations Research, July 1;131:105208.
- S.A. Gabriel, M. Leal, M. Schmidt, 2021. "On Linear Bilevel Optimization Problems with Complementarity-Constrained Lower Levels," Journal of the Operational Research Society, online publication, December 29, 2021,
- J. F. Allen, S. Schmidt, S. A. Gabriel, 2022. “Reinforcement Learning Approach to Speed-Overmatched Pursuit Games with Uncertain Target Information," Military Operations Research (MOR), January, 27(4), 37-50.
- J.C. Huemme, S.A. Gabriel, P. Chanpiwat, T. Shu, 2022. "An analysis of the U.S. - China Trade War’s impact on global natural gas markets and the U.S. Coast Guard’s LNG inspection workforce," Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 97, 1-13,
- S.A. Allen, J. Dickerson, S.A. Gabriel, 2022. "Using Inverse Optimization to Learn Cost Functions in Generalized Nash Games," Computers and Operations Research, 142, June 2022,
- J.P. Luna, C. Sagastizábal, J. F. Allen, S.A. Gabriel, M Solodov, "Regularized Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium Constraints with Application to Energy Markets," accepted, SIAM Journal on Optimization (February, 2023).
- N.T. Boyd, , S. A. Gabriel, G. Rest, T. Dumm. “Generalized Nash Equilibrium Models for Asymmetric, Non-cooperative Games on Line Graphs: Application to Water Resource Systems," accepted, Computers and Operations Research, February, 2023.
- J. F. Allen, S. Schmidt, S. A. Gabriel. “Uncovering Strategies and Commitment through Machine Learning System Introspection," accepted, SN Computer Science, February 2023.
- S.A. Allen, Daria Terekhov, S. A. Gabriel, “A Hybrid Inverse Optimization-Stochastic Programming Framework for Network Protection,” accepted, Journal of the Operational Research Society, June, 2023.
- P. Chanpiwat, S.A. Gabriel, M. Brown, "Multi-Stage Modeling with Recourse Decisions for
Solving Stochastic Complementarity Problems with An Application In Energy," accepted at IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, October, 2023. - E. Dimanchev, S.-E. Fleten, S.A. Gabriel, M. Korpås, Effects of electricity sector climate policies in a second-best world of missing risk market,” published online at in Findings, March, 2024.
- N. Belyak, S.A. Gabriel, N. Khabarov, F. Oliveira, "Renewable Energy Expansion under Taxes and Subsidies: A Transmission Operator's Perspective," accepted, Journal of Cleaner Production, March, 2024.
- E. Dimanchev, S.A. Gabriel, Lina Reichenberg, Magnus Korpås,” Consequences of the missing risk market problem for power system emissions”, accepted, Energy Economics, May, 2024.
- O. Herrala, S.A. Gabriel, F. Oliveira, T. Ekholm, “A Novel Strong Duality-Based Reformulation for Trilevel Infrastructure Models in Energy Systems Development”, accepted, Journal of the Operational Research Society, June, 2024.
- S.A. Gabriel, D. C. Flocco, F.F. Mazzini, D.S. Pinheiro da Silva, K. de Souza Castor, M.C. Levorato, “Theoretical Results for Gas Market Equilibrium Modeling with Application to Brazil,” published online at, Computational Management Science, February 10, 2025.
- E. Baker , J. Trancik , B. Bush , G. Nemet , K. Surana , S. A. Gabriel, S. Popper, M. Klemun, D. Arent , S. F. Baldwin, V. Bosetti, R.J. Hanes , M. Henrion, G. Marangoni, R. Way, Emerging Science Can Improve Decisions on Public Investment in Energy Research," (under review, August 2020).
- S. Allen, S.A. Gabriel, N.T. Boyd, "Inverse Optimization for Parameterization of Linear Complementarity Problems and for Incentive Design in Markets," (under review, November 2022).
- F. van de Sande Araujo, E. Bjørndal, S.-E. Fleten, S.A. Gabriel, C.F. Tjeransen “Pre-contracting flexibility: A design for short-term markets for electricity, “(under review, June, 2023).
- E. Dimanchev, S.A. Gabriel, ” A primal-dual equilibrium model of risk-averse generation expansion”, under review, December, 2023.
- N. Boyd, S.A. Gabriel, K. Brubaker, M. Ries , “Reducing Pollution in River Systems using a Stochastic, Game-Theoretic Modeling Approach,” under review, May, 2024.
- N. Boyd, S.A. Gabriel, “Understanding the Role of Technological Complexity in Sustainability Transitions using Stochastic, Bi-level Optimization,” under review, May, 2024.
- S.A. Gabriel, D. C. Flocco, T.K. Boomsma, M. Schmidt, M.A. Lejuene, “A Heuristic for Complementarity Problems Using Difference of Convex Functions,” under review, June 2024.
- S. A. Gabriel and J. J. More, 1997. "Smoothing of Mixed Complementarity Problems," 105-116 in Complementarity and Variational Problems State of the Art, SIAM, Proceedings of the International Conference on Complementarity Problems, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
- J. Zhuang, M.l J. Casey, S. D. Milner, S. A. Gabriel, and G. Baecher, 2004. Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques In Topology Control Of Free Space Optical Networks. Proc. IEEE MILCOM, November.
ARTICLES IN UNREFEREED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, DISCUSSANT ARTICLES, TRADE JOURNAL ARTICLES, MANUSCRIPTS, AND SELECTED TECHNICAL CONSULTING REPORTS - K. Bozdogan, S. A. Gabriel, 1985. "Econometric and Statistical Analyses of the Effectiveness of Generic Advertising for Fluid Milk, Cheese and Butter," Arthur D. Little, Inc. Technical Report for the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board, May.
- Report to Congress on the Dairy Promotion Program, 1985. United States Department of Agriculture Report, July.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1985. "Data Base for the ATAM Software Package," Arthur D. Little, Inc. Technical Report, December.
- K. Bozdogan, S. A. Gabriel, 1986. "Econometric Analyses of the Effectiveness of Generic Advertising for Fluid Milk, Cheese and Butter Demand," Arthur D. Little, Inc. Technical Report for the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board, May.
- Report to Congress on the Dairy Promotion Program, 1986. United States Department of Agriculture Report, July.
- Analysis of the Frequency Smoothing Constant, 1986. Arthur D. Little, Inc. Internal Memorandum concerning Order Process Calculations (client's name withheld), August.
- Report to client regarding optimization of landfill and quarry operations (client's name withheld), 1987. Arthur D. Little, Inc. Technical Report, April.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1988. "Analysis of Service Performance," Arthur D. Little, Inc. Technical Report, Washington, DC, June.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1988. "An Analysis of Service Performance," Arthur D. Little, Inc. Technical Report, Washington, DC, September.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1990. "Estimation of 3 Digit to 5 Digit Mail Volume Densities," Arthur D. Little, Inc. Internal Memorandum, Washington, DC, July 1990.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1990. "Some Ideas on Optimization on the Transportation Network," Arthur D. Little, Inc., Internal Memorandum for U. S. Postal client, Washington, DC, July.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1991. " Analysis of One-Day Service Performance, Arthur D. Little, Inc. Technical Report, Washington, DC, September.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1993. "Literature Survey for Solving Convergence Issues in NEMS Final Report Subtask 1," Technical Report, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy as part of a subcontracting assignment with Decision Analysis Corporation of Virginia, Contract # DE-AC01-92EI21946, Task 93-064C, September.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1993. " Analysis of Convergence Conditions for NEMS Final Report Subtask 2," Technical Report, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy as part of a subcontracting assignment with Decision Analysis Corporation of Virginia, Contract # DE-AC01-92EI21946, Task 93-064C, October.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1993. "Investigation of Robust Algorithms for Solving a Nonlinear Complementarity Formulation of NEMS Final Report Subtask 3," Technical Report, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy as part of a subcontracting assignment with Decision Analysis Corporation of Virginia, Contract # DE-AC01-92EI21946, Task 93-064C, December.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1994. "Implementation Results of Proposed Modifications to Accelerate the Convergence of NEMS Final Report Subtask 4," Technical Report, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy as part of a subcontracting assignment with Decision Analysis Corporation of Virginia, Contract # DE-AC01-92EI21946, Task 93-064C, May.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1994. "Implementation Results of Proposed Modifications to Accelerate the Convergence of the Electricity Fuel Dispatch Module of NEMS Report Subtask 5," Technical Report, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy as part of a subcontracting assignment with Decision Analysis Corporation of Virginia, Contract # DE-AC01-92EI21946, Task 93-064C, June.
- S. A. Gabriel and A. S. Kydes, 1995. "A Nonlinear Complementarity Approach for the National Energy Modeling System," preprint MCS-P504-0395, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, March.
- S. Vikas, S. A. Gabriel, H. Mohan, and A. B. Becker, 1996. "Development and Testing of a Comprehensive Gas Storage Reservoir Performance Model," in the proceedings of the Society for Petroleum Engineers, # 37342, Eastern Regional Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, October.
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Vikas, M. Godec, and W. Pepper, 1996. "A Reservoir-Based Model for Forecasting Natural Gas Supply, Demand, and Prices in the North American Gas Market," in the Proceedings of the 17th Annual North American Conference, United States Association for Energy Economics/International Association for Energy Economics, Boston, Massachusetts, 399-408, October.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1996. Report on the Applicability of PowerWorld for Use with the National Energy Modeling System, ICF Kaiser International, Inc., prepared for the U. S. Department of Energy, Contract # DE-AP01-96EI29130, December.
- S .A. Gabriel, 1996. "Gas Model Engine," OR/MS Today, December
- S. A. Gabriel, D. Ribar, W. I. Willis, E. F. Hardy, R. E. Baron, 1998. "The Influence of Canadian Carbon Stabilization Programs on Natural Gas Exports to the United States," in Proceedings of the International Association for Energy Economics, 21st Annual Conference, Québec, Canada, vol. 1, 1-10, May.
- Natural Gas Industry Issues in a High Natural Gas Demand World, 1999. submitted to Office of Air and Radiation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, (ICF Kaiser Contract # 67777-213-08), February.
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Vikas, and D. M. Ribar, 1999. "Natural Gas Issues In a High Natural Gas Demand World," in the Proceedings of the 20th Annual North American Conference, United States Association for Energy Economics/International Association for Energy Economics, Orlando, Florida, August 29-September 1.
- J. P. Brashear, A. B. Becker, and S. A. Gabriel, 1999. "Interdependencies Among E&P Projects and Portfolio Risk Management," SPE 56574, forthcoming in the proceedings of the Society for Petroleum Engineers, # 56574, SPE Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 3-6.
- J. P. Brashear, A. B. Becker, and S. A. Gabriel, 2000. "Managing Scenario Risk in Offshore Development Projects Combining Portfolio Analysis with Scenario Modeling," Offshore, pp.122-124, January.
- S. A. Gabriel, 2001. discussant for "Mathematical Programming and Electricity Markets," A. J. Conejo and F. J. Prieto, Sociedad de Estadística e Investigación Operativa TOP, Vol. 9, No. 1, 30-33.
- S. A. Gabriel, J. Manik , S. Vikas, E. F. Hardy, 2001. "An Intertemporal, Market Equilibrium Model of the North American Natural Gas System Using Reservoir-Level Data," (pdf file for manuscript, July 28).
- S. A. Gabriel, J.A. Faria, S. Kietnithiamorn, 2001. "Accelerating NEMS Convergence Using Theoretical & Numerical Methods," ASA/EIA Research Fellow Program Final Report, University of Maryland Account # 01431647, September 6.
- S. A. Gabriel, J.A. Faria, 2002. "Accelerating Convergence in NEMS Subtask 1.1 Progress Report," prepared for Energy Information Administration, U.S. Dept. of Energy, DOE Order #: DE-AP01-01EI37431.M001, January.
- S. A. Gabriel, J.A. Faria, 2002. "Accelerating Convergence in NEMS Subtask 1.2 Draft Progress Report," prepared for Energy Information Administration, U.S. Dept. of Energy, DOE Order #: DE-AP01-01EI37431.M001, January 28.
- S. A. Gabriel, J.A. Faria, 2002. "Accelerating Convergence in NEMS Subtask 1.2 Version 2 of the Draft Progress Report Analysis of Intra-Cycle Relaxation Weights for Key Variables," prepared for Energy Information Administration, U.S. Dept. of Energy, DOE Order #: DE-AP01-01EI37431.M001, March 5.
- S. A. Gabriel, J.A. Faria, 2002. "Accelerating Convergence in NEMS Subtask 1.3 Interim Report on Alternative Convergence Algorithms," prepared for Energy Information Administration, U.S. Dept. of Energy, DOE Order #: DE-AP01-01EI37431.M001, April 2.
- S. A. Gabriel, 2003 "Foreword: Special Issue on Energy," Networks and Spatial Economics, 3, 95.
- S. A. Gabriel, J. F. Zhuang, S. Kiet, 2004 "A Nash-Cournot Model for the North American Natural Gas Market," IAEE Conference Proceedings, Zurich, Switzerland, September.
- S. A. Gabriel, 2008. "Why International Natural Gas Markets Matter in Today's Energy and Environmental Picture", Resources for the Future, RFF Weekly Policy Commentary,, March 10.
- S.A. Gabriel, 2008.Energy Market Equilibria Expressed as Complementarity Problems, December.
- T. Liu, X. Zhao, K. Quigley, S. Azarm, S.A. Gabriel, D.J. Lordern, 2019. Verifying Spatiotemporal Systems via Robustness Bounds: An Application to Unmanned Underwater Vehicles, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Verification and Validation Symposium
VVS2019, May 15-17, 2019, Las Vegas, NV, USA, VVS2019-5155, 1-9. - Neumann, A. (ed.), J. Edmonds, D. Emberson, S.A. Gabriel, F. Holz, P.I. Karstad, C.A. Klöckner, L.O. Nord, J. Rúa, B.G. Pollet, P. Rasmussen, C. Skar, A. Sørensen, A. Tomasgard and S. Yu (2021): The role of natural gas in Europe towards 2050. NETI Policy Report 01/2021, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway; ISBN 978-82-994575-4-5 The role of natural gas in Europe towards 2050 Print ISBN 978-82-994575-5-2 The role of natural gas in Europe towards 2050 Electronic
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