Keynote, Plenary, and Distinguished Talks
- Careers in Research, keynote talk at INFRATRAIN 2006, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, October 2-7, 2006 (a European Commission-sponsored workshop on infrastructure modeling for young researchers)
- Modeling Infrastructure and Network Industries: Theory and Applications, keynote talk at Infraday 2007, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, October 6, 2007.
- Deterministic and Stochastic Equilibrium Models in Energy, distinguished invited talk SecondWorkshop on Game Theory in Energy, Resources and Environment, Montreal, Canada November 20-21, 2008 (
- Natural Gas and Intermittent Renewable Energy: A Good Match or a Mismatch?, keynote talk at Renewable Energy Research Conference, Trondheim, Norway, June 7-8, 2010.
- Natural Gas and Intermittent Renewable Energy, A Good Match or Not?, keynote talk at Infraday 2010, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, October 8-9, 2010.
- Exporting U.S. Natural Gas keynote talk at Trans-Atlantic Infraday 2011, November 11, 2011 (with Hakob Avetisyan and Seksun Moryadee).
- A New Method for MPECs with a Natural Gas Application, keynote talk at Workshop on Managing Uncertainty in Energy Systems and Markets, Oppdal, Norway, March 21-25, 2012.
- Models for the Energy Sector with a Focus on Renewables Integration, keynote talk at Workshop: „Modellgestützte Analysen für die Strommarktgestaltung zur Integration erneuerbarer Energien im Rahmen der Energiewende (MASMIE)“ Stiftung Mercator, DIW, Berlin, Germany, October 12, 2012.
- Network Equilibrium Models with a Focus on Energy, Intelligent Automation, Inc. Colloquia Series, The Institute for Systems Research, invited talk at University of Maryland, College Park, MD USA February 6, 2013.
- Network Equilibrium Models with a Focus on Energy, invited talk at Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, Auburn University, February 13, 2013.
- An SOS1-based Approach for Solving MPECs with Applications in Energy, invited talk at GERAD, Montréal, Canada, February 28, 2013.
- S.A. Gabriel, Optimization and Equilibrium Modeling for Renewable Energy: Focus on Wastewater-to-Energy Using a Two-Level Optimization Problem, special invited talk at PhD Winter School, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, March 23-28, 2014 (U-tapao).
- Énergie au Québec et au Canada, keynote talk, le Deuxième Symposium Annuel Trottier sur l'Ingénierie, l'Énergie et la Conception Durables, les 30 et 31 mars, 2015, l'École Polytechnique de Montréal, (
- Energy Insecurity: From Cologne to "Cowboyistan," keynote talk, Berlin Conference on Energy and Electricity Economics, DIW, Berlin, Germany, May 28, 2015.
- A Simulation Model for Determining Optimal Demand Response Actions: Application to the ERCOT Power Market, plenary talk, Workshop on Optimization challenges in the evolution of energy Networks to Smart Grids, University of Coimbra, Portugal, October 27-28, 2016.
- S.A. Gabriel, A Rolling Horizon Approach for Mixed Complementarity Modeling with Endogenous Probabilities and Connection to Generalized Nash Problems: Application to Natural Gas Markets, special invited talk at Ph.D. Winter School, Oppdal, Norway, March 13-17, 2016, (S. Moryadee, M. Devine).
- S.A. Gabriel, A Rolling-Horizon Approach for Stochastic Mixed Complementarity Problems with Endogenous Probabilities: Application to Natural Gas Markets, special invited talk at Ph.D. Winter School, Passo del Tonale, Italy, January 15-21, 2017.
- A Market Equilibrium Approach to Modeling Gas Markets Using the World Gas Model, Conference: The Economics of Natural Gas, New Research Perspectives for a Rapidly-Changing World, keynote talk, Mines Paristech, Paris, France, June 27, 2017.
- S.A. Gabriel, Equilibrium Modeling in Energy and Transport, special invited talk at Winter School, Kvitfjell, Norway, March 3-8, 2019.
- S.A. Gabriel, Some Approaches for Solving the Discretely-Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problem (DC-MCP) with Applications in Energy, special invited talk at Winter School, Oppdal, Norway, February 28, 2022.
- Flexibility in Infrastructure Markets-A Multi-Level Perspective, keynote talk, Enerday Conference, TU-Dresden, Dresden, Germany, September 30, 2022, NSF Award # 2113891.
- S.A. Gabriel, Equilibrium Models for Improved Infrastructure Management in Energy and Transport (and Water), special invited talk by Areas of Advance in Energy and Transport, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 14, 2022, NSF Award # 2113891.
- S.A. Gabriel, Bilevel Optimization for Infrastructure Planning, special invited talk at the Energy Economics Seminar, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, NSF Award # 2113891, February 9, 2023.
- S.A. Gabriel, Bilevel Optimization for Infrastructure Management (energy, water, environment, transportation), special invited talk at Planning Under Uncertainty in Energy Markets, Winter School, Geilo, Norway, NSF Award # 2113891, March 26-31, 2023.
- S.A. Gabriel, Bilevel Optimization for Natural Gas and Other Infrastructure Management, keynote talk at Workshop on the Economics of Natural Gas, New Research Areas for a Reconfigured Gas Scene, Paris-Dauphine University, Paris, France, NSF Award # 2113891, May 22, 2023.
- S.A. Gabriel Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) & Negative Emissions Markets: Setting the Scene, special invited talk at CDR & Negative Emissions Workshop Energy Transition Week Trondheim, Norway, March 15, 2024.
- S.A. Gabriel, The Role of Natural Gas in the Energy Transition: Focus on Brazil, special invited talk at the Workshop on the Role of Natural Gas in the Energy Transition, Energy Transition Week Trondheim, Norway, March 15, 2024.
- S.A. Gabriel, Flexibility in Energy Markets - A Multi-Agent, Multi-Level Perspective, special invited talk at FIERGS (Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul) Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, April 5, 2024.
- S.A. Gabriel, Bilevel Optimization in Infrastructure Planning (energy, water, environment, transportation), special invited seminar talk at Systems Analysis Laboratory (SAL), Department of Mathematics & Systems Analysis, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, May 6, 2024.
- S.A. Gabriel, Equilibrium Modeling in Natural Gas Markets: A Theoretical Analysis and a Case Study for Brazil, special invited talk at Third International Workshop on Variational Analysis and Applications for Modeling of Energy Exchange (VAME 2024), Trier University, Trier, Germany May 13-14, 2024.
Other Presentations
- S.A. Gabriel, Demand Response Modeling for Electricity Usage in Buildings, SENAI Innovation Institute on Sensing Systems, São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, April 4, 2024.
- S.A. Gabriel, D.C. Flocco, T.K. Boomsma, M. Schmidt, M.A. Lejeune, A Heuristic for Complementarity Problems Using Difference-of-Convex Functions, 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 30-July 3, 2024. (part 1 of 2 combined talks), NSF Award # 2113891.
- D.C. Flocco, S.A. Gabriel, T.K. Boomsma, M. Schmidt, M.A. Lejeune, Addressing Non-Convexities in Sector Coupling Problems via Difference-of-Convex Functions Algorithm, 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 30-July 3, 2024. (part 2 of 2 combined talks), NSF Award # 2113891.
- S.A. Gabriel, D.C. Flocco, T.K. Boomsma, M. Schmidt, M.A. Lejeune, A Heuristic for Complementarity Problems Using Difference-of-Convex Functions, European Conference on Stochastic Optimization and Computational Management Science (ECSO-CMS 2024), July 4-5, 2024. (part 1 of 2 combined talks), NSF Award # 2113891.
- D.C. Flocco, S.A. Gabriel, T.K. Boomsma, M. Schmidt, M.A. Lejeune, Addressing Non-Convexities in Sector Coupling Problems via Difference-of-Convex Functions Algorithm, European Conference on Stochastic Optimization and Computational Management Science (ECSO-CMS 2024), July 4-5, 2024. (part 2 of 2 combined talks), NSF Award # 2113891.
- S.A. Gabriel, Equilibrium Modeling in Natural Gas Markets: A Theoretical Analysis & a Case Study for Brazil, A Method for Solving Gas Market & Water Market Equilibrium Problems, International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP) Montréal, Canada, July 21-26, 2024. NSF Award # 2113891.
- S.A. Gabriel, Energy Security in Europe, NTNU Energy Transition Week, Trondheim, Norway, March 24, 2023
- S.A. Gabriel, Bilevel Optimization for Sustainability: Focus on Water and Energy & Integer-Constrained Equilibrium Problems, DTU Management Department, Lyngby, Denmark, NSF Award # 2113891, May, 26 2023.
- S.A. Gabriel, Bilevel Optimization for Infrastructure Management (energy, water, environment, transportation), special invited talk at Trier University, Trier, Germany, NSF Award # 2113891, June 12, 2023.
- S.A. Gabriel, A Stochastic, Two-level Optimization Model for Compressed Natural Gas Infrastructure Investments in Wastewater Management, 2023 XVI International Conference Stochastic Programming, University of California, Davis, USA, July 24, 2023.
- S.A. Gabriel, Bilevel Optimization for Infrastructure Management (energy, water, environment, transportation), Department of Decision Sciences, George Washington University, Washington, DC USA, NSF Award # 2113891, October 6, 2023.
- S.A. Gabriel, Equilibrium problem applied to water markets , Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Paris, France, CentraleSupélec, November 9-10, 2023.
- P. Chanpiwat, F. Oliveira, S.A. Gabriel, Operational Planning of Stand-Alone Battery Storage using Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming in Residential Community, Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Paris, France, CentraleSupélec, November 9-10, 2023.
- E. Dimanchev, S.A. Gabriel, M. Korpås, Climate policy effects on power systems with incomplete markets for risk, Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Paris, France, CentraleSupélec, November 9-10, 2023.
- N. Belyak, S.A. Gabriel, N. Khabarov, F. Oliveira, Optimal transmission expansion planning in the context of renewable energy integration policies, Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Paris, France, CentraleSupélec, November 9-10, 2023.
- S.A. Gabriel, D.C. Flocco, F.F. Mazzini, D.S. Pinheiro da Silva, M.C. Levorato, E.V. Porto, Some theoretical results for gas markets using complementarity theory, Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Paris, France, CentraleSupélec, November 9-10, 2023.
- D.C. Flocco, , S.A. Gabriel, F.F. Mazzini, D.S. Pinheiro da Silva, M.C. Levorato, E.V. Porto, Some numerical insights for the Brazilian Gas Markets using complementarity theory, Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Paris, France, CentraleSupélec, November 9-10, 2023.
- S.A. Gabriel, Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Faculty AI Research, University of Maryland, Industrial AI Symposium, November 29, 2023.
- S.A. Allen (presenter), J. Dickerson, S.A. Gabriel, “Using inverse optimization to learn cost functions in generalized Nash games,” Oppdal Winter School, February 28-March 4, 2022, Oppdal, Norway
- Some Approaches for Solving Equilibrium Problems with Discrete Restrictions: Application to Energy Markets, DTU, Lyngby, Denmark, March 18, 2022.
- Nathan Boyd (presenter), Steven A. Gabriel, Kaye Brubaker, Matt Ries Alternative TMDL Allocation Schemes using Game-Theoretic Modeling, 2022 American Water Resources Association (AWRA) conference on April 8, 2022, Washington DC
- Steven A. Gabriel (presenter), Nathan Boyd, Generalized Nash Equilibriuim Models for Asymmetric River Systems, presented at European Conference on Stochastic Optimization, Computational Management Science ECSO-CMS 2022, Venice, Italy, June 29-July 1, 2022
- O. Herrala (presenter), S.A. Gabriel, F. Oliveira, T. Ekholm, Tri-level equilibrium modeling for energy- environmental planning, presented at European Conference on Stochastic Optimization, Computational Management Science ECSO-CMS 2022, Venice, Italy, June 29-July 1, 2022.
- N. Belyak (presenter), S.A. Gabriel, N. Khabarov, F. Oliveira, “Optimal Planning of Transmission Infrastructure Expansion to Efficiently Integrate Renewable Energy Generation”, presented at European Conference on Stochastic Optimization, Computational Management Science ECSO-CMS 2022, Venice, Italy, June 29-July 1, 2022.
- O. Herrala (presenter), S.A. Gabriel, F. Oliveira, T. Ekholm, Tri-level equilibrium modeling in energy, presented at EURO Conference, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, July 3-6, 2022.
- Felipe Van de Sande Araujo, Stein-Erik Fleten, Endre Bjørndal, Steven A. Gabriel, Flexibility pre-contracting: A de- sign for short-term markets for electricity, presented at European Conference on Stochastic Optimization, Computational Management Science ECSO-CMS 2022, Venice, Italy, June 29-July 1, 2022.
- Nena Batenburg (presenter), Trine Boomsma, Steven A. Gabriel, “Equilibriuim Modeling for Coupled Energy Systems,” presented at EURO Conference, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, July 3-6, 2022.
- N. Belyak (presenter), S.A. Gabriel, N. Khabarov, F. Oliveira, “Optimal Planning of Transmission Infrastructure Expansion to Efficiently Integrate Renewable Energy Generation”, presented at EURO Conference, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, July 3-6, 2022.
- S.A. Gabriel, Some Approaches for Solving the Discretely-Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problem (DC-MCP), GERAD, (online), Montréal, Canada, October 26, 2023.
- S. Allen, S.A. Gabriel, N.T. Boyd, Inverse Optimization for Parameterization of Linear Complementarity Problems and for Incentive Design in Markets, Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference 2022, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, November 3-4, 2022, NSF Award # 2113891
- N.T. Boyd, S.A. Gabriel, K. Brubaker, M., Ries, Can Game Theory Improve Water-Quality Restoration Decisions? Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference 2022, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, November 3-4, 2022, NSF Award # 2113891.
- S.A. Gabriel, Bilevel Optimization Flexibility in Infrastructure Markets, Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference 2022, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, November 3-4, 2022, NSF Award # 2113891.
- E. Dimanchev, S. A. Gabriel, L. Reichenberg, M. Korpås, Optimal Climate Policy under Political Constraints and Uncertainty: A Bi- level Optimization Approach, Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference 2022, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, November 3-4, 2022.
- P. Chanpiwat, S.A Gabriel, M. Brown, Energy-Related Stochastic Complementarity Problems Solved by Multi-Stage Modeling with Recourse Decisions, Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference 2022, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, November 3-4, 2022.
- S.A. Gabriel, Flexibility in Infrastructure Markets Using Bilevel Optimization, CentraleSupélec, invited talk, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France November 10, 2022, NSF Award # 2113891.
- A Parametric Programming Approach To Bilevel Optimization With Lower-level Variables In The Upper Level, Trier University, Germany (via zoom), January 25, 2021.
- Tri-Level Equilibria: Some New Results and Applications in Infrastructure Planning, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland (in-person/audience via zoom), June 30, 2021.
- One- and Two-Level Equilibrium Modeling with Applications, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, January 22, 2020.
- Invited panelist Session I Challenges for Modeling Evolving Energy Market Issues, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, March 5, 2020.
- A Parametric Programming Approach to Bilevel Optimization with Lower-Level Variables in the Upper Level, INFORMS (online), November 10, 2020 (with Henrik C. Bylling and Trine K. Boomsma).
- Solving Discretely Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problems Using a Median Function with Applications in Energy, Ph.D. and Industry Days 2019, Ecole Polytechnique, Saclay, France, January 16-17, 2019.
- Towards V&V of Autonomous Systems via Robust Optimization and Games, Lockheed Martin Center for Excellence, Bethesda, MD, April 9, 2019.
- Sustainability and Optimal Demand Response in Power Markets, University of Maryland Engineering Sustainability Day, College Park, MD, April 22, 2019 (with Shapour Azarm).
- Sustainability and Optimal Demand Response in Power Markets for Master-Metered Buildings, Smart Cities Roundtable, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, June 6, 2019.
- Discretely-Constrained Equilibrium Models in Energy and Transportation, EURO Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 24, 2019 (with Martin Schmidt).
- Real Options and Stochastic Dynamic Programming for Energy R & D Projects, workshop on Methods for R & D Portfolio Analysis and Evaluation, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, July 18-19, 2019.
- Strategic Generation Investment using a Stochastic, Rolling-Horizon MPEC Approach, The XV International Conference on Stochastic Programming (ICSP XV), Trondheim, Norway, July 29-August 2, 2019 (with Thomas Kallabis and Christoph Weber).
- Optimization and Equilibrium Modeling for Energy Markets, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, September 5, 2019.
- Modeling Global Gas Flows Towards 2050– Gaps and Challenges, NTNU Natural Gas Workshop, Trondheim, Norway, September 10, 2019.
- The US-China Trade War and its Implications for Liquiefied Natural Gas (LNG) Markets, Energy System of Tomorrow, Equinor Workshop, September 11, 2019.
- Shale Gas and LNG- Effects on Global Markets, The Role of Natural Gas in the Future Energy System the Need for Flexibility, NTNU Energy Transition Workshop, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, February 26, 2018.
- Household Demand Response in Texas: Overview of Work with Industrial Partner Whisker Labs and Some Simulation Results, NTNU Energy Transition Demand Response Workshop, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, May 28, 2018.
- A Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach for Near Real-Time, Residential Demand Response: Application to the Texas Power Market, XV Conference on Computational Management Science (CMS 2018), Trondheim, Norway (co-authors, R. Moglen (presenter), A. Blohm), May 29-31, 2018.
- Discretely-Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problems with Applications in Energy, Variational Analysis Challenges in Energy, Castro Urdiales, Spain
June 4-6, 2018. - Mixed Complementarity Problems, Two Topics: 1. Non-Additive Traffic Equilibria 2. Equity-Constrained Equilibria As Applied to Networks, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, June 18, 2018.
- Engineering and Economic Equilibrium Problems: Overview and New Results, University of Sydney, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, June 19, 2018.
- Bilevel Linear Programming Investment Problems with Lower-Level Primal and Dual, International Symposium on on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2018), Bordeaux, France, July 1-6, 2018. (co-authors H. C. Bylling, T. K. Boomsma).
- Strategic Generation Investment Using a Stochastic Rolling Horizon MPEC Approach, International Symposium on on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2018), Bordeaux, France, July 1-6, 2018. (co-author T. Kallabis (presenter)).
- Discretely-Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problems with Applications in Energy, Penn State, September 25, 2018.
- Natural Gas and the Energy Transition, NTNU Energy Transition Workshop, Trondheim, Norway, October 15, 2018.
- Discretely-Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problems with Applications in Energy, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, October 2018.
- Household Demand Response in Texas: Overview of Work with Industrial Partner Whisker Labs and Some Simulation Results, DIW Berlin, Germany, October 2018.
- Discretely-Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problems with Applications in Energy, Trans-Atlantic Infraday, Washington, DC, November 2, 2018.
- Discretely-Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problems with Applications in Energy, INFORMS, Phoenix, Arizona, November 5, 2018.
- Discretely-Constrained Mixed Complementarity Problems with Applications in Energy, University of Texas-Austin, Dept. of Operations Research & Industrial Engineering, November 16, 2018.
- Natural Gas and the Energy Transition, Center for Sustainable Energy Studies (CenSES) Energy and Climate Conference: Clean Energy for All, Oslo, Norway, November 22, 2018.
- A Dynamic Programming Approach to Optimal Residential Demand Response Scheduling in Near Real-Time: Application for Electricity Retailers in ERCOT Power Markets, Center for Sustainable Energy Studies (CenSES) Energy and Climate Conference: Clean Energy for All, Oslo, Norway, November 22, 2018.
- From an Academic Perspective—What Role will Smart Technologies, like Smart Homes, Have in the Energy Transition?, Conference on Energy Transition—the Pathway to a Low-Carbon Europe, Brussels, Belgium, November 27, 2018.
- Natural Gas and the Energy Transition, Berlin Energy Transition Workshop, Berlin, Germany, November 29, 2018.
- Optimization and Equilibrium Modeling in Engineering, ExxonMobil Research & Engineering, Annandale, NJ, April 26, 2017.
- Optimization and Equilibrium Modeling in Engineering, University of Auckland, New Zealand, May 16, 2017.
- Optimization and Equilibrium Modeling in Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia, May 26, 2017.
- An Improved Strategic Decision-Making Model for Energy Conservation Using Bilevel Optimization, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, June 30, 2017.
- An Improved Strategic Decision-Making Model for Energy Conservation Using Bilevel Optimization, 15th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization , Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 12, 2017.
- A Simulation-Based Model for Optimal Demand Response Load-Shifting: Case Study for the Texas Power Market, IFORS 2017, Québec City, Québec, Canada, July 17-21, 2017.
- An Improved Strategic Decision-Making Model for Energy Conservation Using Bilevel Optimization, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, November 3, 2017.
- Optimal Load-Shifting via Internet-Based Thermostat Control and Sensors for Improved Residential Load Management, NTNU Energy Transition Workshop, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, November 7-8, 2017.
- Analyzing the Effects of Shale Gas Using the World Gas Model, NTNU Energy Transition Workshop, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, November 7-8, 2017.
- An Introduction to Mixed Complementarity Problems (MCPs) with Applications in Energy, Universität Duisberg-Essen, Essen, Germany, July 11, 2016.
- A Rolling Horizon Approach for Mixed Complementarity Modeling with Endogenous Probabilities and Connection to Generalized Nash Problems: Application to Natural Gas Markets, Universität Duisberg-Essen, Essen, Germany, July 11, 2016 (S. Moryadee, M. Devine).
- Mixed Complementarity Problems (MCPs) and Bilevel Optimization, Universität Duisberg-Essen, Essen, Germany, July 12, 2016.
- Strategic Modeling of the European Gas Markets and Gas Supply, Workshop on Applied Mathematics in Energy Regulation, September 19, 2016, HEA , Budapest, Hungary.
- Demand Response in Power Markets: Application to the ERCOT (Texas) Market, Energy Transitions 2016, NTNU and Statoil Workshop, October 20-21, 2016, Trondheim, Norway (Christopher Sloop , Michael Siemann, Jaden Crawford, Jacob Schaperow , Sanhe Hu).
- A Simulation Model for Determining Optimal Demand Response Actions: Application to the ERCOT Power Market, 10th AnnualTrans-Atlantic Infraday (TAI), 2016, Washington, DC, November 10, 2016 (Jacob Schaperow , Michael Siemann , Jaden Crawford , Sanhe Hu , Christopher Sloop ).
- Supply Security in International Natural Gas Markets Using a Large-Scale Game Theory Model, Dept. of Mathematics, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, January 21, 2015 (S.Moryadee and F. Rehulka).
- Discretely Constrained Nash Equilibria, Séminaire du GERAD conjoint avec la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur l'optimisation non linéaire, discrète en ingénierie Montréal, Canada January 29, 2015 (A.J. Conejo, C. Ruiz, S. Siddiqui).
- Energy Insecurity: From Cologne to “Cowboyistan”, Berlin Conference on Energy and Electricity Economics, Berlin, Germany, May 28, 2015.
- Discretely Constrained Nash Equilibria, Ben Gurion University, Be'er Sheva, Israel, June 1, 2015 (A.J. Conejo, C. Ruiz, S. Siddiqui).
- Discretely Constrained Nash Equilibria, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Israel, June 2, 2015 (A.J. Conejo, C. Ruiz, S. Siddiqui).
- Panama Canal Expansion: Will the Panama Canal be a Game Changer for LNG Exports to Asia, NESS 2015, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, June 10, 2015.
- A Rolling Horizon Approach for Mixed Complementarity Modeling with Endogenous Probabilities: Application to Natural Gas Markets, 27th European Conference on Operational Research, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, July 13, 2015 (M. Devine, S. Moryadee).
- A Rolling Horizon Approach for Mixed Complementarity Modeling with Endogenous Probabilities: Application to Natural Gas Markets, 9th Annual Transatlantic Infraday Conference, Washington, DC, October 30, 2015 (M. Devine, S. Moryadee).
- A Stochastic, Two-Level Optimization Model for Compressed Natural Gas Infrastructure Investments in Wastewater Management Considering the FEW Nexus, Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus NSF Workshop, Washington, DC, October 27-28, 2015.
- U.S. LNG Export Studies Using the World Gas Model (2012 and 2014 versions), Federal Energy Regulation Commission, Washington, DC, January 26, 2014 (with S. Moryadee and A. Blohm).
- The Effect of Canal Fees on LNG Shipping, Electricité de France, Paris, France, March 21, 2014 (Seksun Moryadee).
- The Effect of Canal Fees on LNG Shipping, IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18, 2014 (S.Moryadee).
- Optimization and Equilibrium Modeling for Renewable Energy: Focus on Wastewater-to-Energy Using a Two-Level Optimization Problem, invited lecture, MOPTA, Lehigh University, August 13-15, 2014 (U-tapao).
- Discretely Constrained Nash Equilibria, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, September 17, 2014 (A.J. Conejo, C. Ruiz, S. Siddiqui).
- Supply Security in International Natural Gas Markets and the Effects of Expanding the Panama Canal on LNG Flow, Dept. of Economics, Lehigh University, September 19, 2014 (S.Moryadee and F. Rehulka).
- Supply Security in International Natural Gas Markets and the Effects of Expanding the Panama Canal on LNG Flow, Institut de l'énergie Trottier, Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada, September 22, 2014 (S.Moryadee and F. Rehulka).
- Supply Security in International Natural Gas Markets and the Effects of Expanding the Panama Canal on LNG Flow, Infraday Conference, TU-Berlin, Germany, October 9, 2014 (S.Moryadee and F. Rehulka).
- Supply Security in International Natural Gas Markets and the Effects of Expanding the Panama Canal on LNG Flow, Electricity Research Centre, University College Dublin, Ireland, October 14, 2014 (S.Moryadee and F. Rehulka).
- Discretely Constrained Nash Equilibria, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Limerick, Ireland, October 17, 2014 (A.J. Conejo, C. Ruiz, S. Siddiqui).
- The Influence of the Panama Canal on Global Gas Trade, INFORMS, San Francisco, November 12, 2014 (S.Moryadee and F. Rehulka).
- Supply Security in International Natural Gas Markets, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, November 18, 2014.
- Supply Security in International Natural Gas Markets, La Conférence Annuelle de la Chaire de Modélisation Economique Appliquée à l'Énergie, Institut Français du Pétrole Energies Nouvelles, Paris, France December, 17 , 2014.
- Network Equilibrium Models with a Focus on Energy, Intelligent Automation, Inc. Colloquia Series, The Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD USA February 6, 2013.
- Network Equilibrium Models with a Focus on Energy, Auburn University, Alabama, Feb. 13 2013.
- Selected Recent Results in Global Gas Market Modeling, 10th Computational Management Science Meeting, Montréal, Canada, May 1, 2013.
- Energy Price Forecasting Models with Spikes EURO 2013 Conference, Rome, Italy, July 3, 2013, (with B. Salasc, Jean André, K. Levy, A. Cranmer).
- An SOS1-based Approach for Solving MPECs with Applications in Energy, EURO 2013 Conference, Rome, Italy, July 3, 2013 (with C. U-tapao, S. Siddiqui).
- MPECS with Energy Applications (lead talk for Mini-Symposium on Applications and Solutions for Non-convex Stochastic Programs), 13th International Conference on Stochastic Programming, Bergamo, Italy, July 8, 2013 (with C. U-tapao and S. Siddiqui).
- A Discretely-Constrained MPEC from the Natural Gas Industry—How to Solve It, 13th International Conference on Stochastic Programming, Bergamo, Italy, July 8, 2013 (with M. Fodstad, Y. Shim, and A. Tomasgard).
- Energy policy environment in the United States: A state level assessment. LinkS Meeting. Final project meeting of the LinkS project, Oslo, Norway, August 2013 (with and A. Blohm).
- Estimating the accessible Marcellus shale gas resource subject to land use patterns and regulatory requirements. LinkS Meeting. Final project meeting of the LinkS project, Oslo, Norway, August, 2013 (with A. Blohm).
- Analysis of Future LNG Infrastructure Capacity Using the World Gas Model, 4th International Conference on Computational Logistics, Copenhagen Denmark Sep 25, 2013 (with S. Moryadee).
- The Competition in the European Gas Market: Using the World Gas Model (2012 and 2014 Versions), The Changing World of Natural Gas Workshop, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, September 27, 2013 (with S. Moryadee).
- Analyzing LNG Capacity Requirements Globally Using the World Gas Model, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013 Minneapolis, Minnesota, Oct 7, 2013 (with S. Moryadee).
- Analyzing LNG Capacity Requirement Globally Using the World Gas Model 2014” EMF 31: North American Natural Gas & Energy Markets in Transition, October 30, 2013 (with S. Moryadee).
- Analysis of the U.S. Shale Gas Exports in Natural Gas Global Markets, presentation to Electricité de France, Paris, France, May 30, 2012 (with Seksun Moryadee and Hakob Avetisyan).
- Analysis of the U.S. Shale Gas Exports in Natural Gas Global Markets, presentation to Chinese State Grid (ERISG), Beijing, China, 25, 2012 (with Seksun Moryadee and Hakob Avetisyan).
- Analysis of the U.S. Shale Gas Exports in Natural Gas Global Markets, presentation to China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), Beijing, China, 26, 2012 (with Seksun Moryadee and Hakob Avetisyan).
- Analysis of the U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas Exports in Natural Gas Global Markets, presentation to U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, July 26, 2012 (with Seksun Moryadee and Hakob Avetisyan).
- A New Method for MPECs with a Natural Gas Application, ISMP 2012, Berlin, Germany, August 19-24, 2012 (with Sauleh Siddiqui).
- Investigation of European Gas Market: Nord Stream, South Stream, and Southern Corridor Pipeline Cases, Electricité de France, October 11, 2012 (with Seksun Moryadee and Hakob Avetisyan).
- The Impact of Carbon Costs on the Global Natural Gas Market, INFORMS Phoenix, Arizona, October 14-17, 2012 (with Hakob Avetisyan-presenter).
- A Stochastic Optimization Model with Varying Objectives for Renewable Energy Investment at AWTP, INFORMS Phoenix, Arizona, October 14-17, 2012 (with Chalida U-tapao-presenter).
- Investigation of European Gas Market: Nord Stream, South Stream, and Southern Corridor Pipeline Cases, INFORMS Phoenix, Arizona, October 14-17, 2012 (with Seksun Moryadee and Hakob Avetisyan).
- A Global Gas Market Model (invited talk), International Gas Union (IGU), PGC C: Gas Markets Meeting, Houston, Texas, March 2, 2011.
- A Multi-Objective Optimization Model Under Uncertainty in Natural Gas Electric Power Price, Electricity Price and Biosolids Amount for Biogas Production at the Blue Plains AWTP (invited talk), Enerday, Dresden, Germany, April 8, 2011, (with Chalida u-Tapao).
- Using Schur’s Decomposition and SOS Type 1 Variables to Solve Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints with an Application to the US Natural Gas Market, Enerday, Dresden, Germany, April 8, 2011, (with Sauleh Siddiqui).
- On the Use of MPEC/EPEC Models in the Natural Gas Industry, with a Special Focus on Shale Gas, 12th Centre for Competition and Regulatory Policy Workshop, Centre for Economics & Management (CEM), IFP School, Rueil-Malmaison, Paris, France, July 7-8, 2011 (with Sauleh Siddiqui, Hakob Avetisyan, Seksun Moryadee).
- Exporting U.S. Natural Gas, Berlin Infraday, Berlin, Germany October 8, 2011, (with H. Avetisyan, S. Moryadee).
- Exporting U.S. Natural Gas, SERECO Workshop on Natural Gas, Electricite de France, Clamart (Paris), France, October 13, 2011, (with H. Avetisyan, S. Moryadee).
- Study of the Impact of Shale Gas in Europe in 2030 Using the GaMMES Model (with I. Abada, V. Briat, O. Massol), 5th Annual Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Washington, DC, November 11, 2011.
- Analyzing Shale Gas Exports from the U.S. to Foreign Markets and the Potential of Natural Gas Supply Network Expanions (with H. Avetisyan and S. Moryadee), 5th Annual Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Washington, DC, November 11, 2011.
- Analyzing the Effects of CO2 Pricing on Global Gas Markets (with S. Moryadee, H. Avetisyan and S. Siddiqui), 5th Annual Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Washington, DC, November 11, 2011.
- A Stochastic, Multi-Objective, Mixed-Integer Optimization Model for Biosolids Management Program at the Blue Plains AWTP, DC Water (with C. U-tapao, C. Peot, M. Ramirez),5th Annual Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Washington, DC, November 11, 2011.
- A New Method for MPECs and EPECs with a Natural Gas Application, INFORMS Charlotte, North Carolina, November 13-16, 2011 (with Sauleh Siddiqui).
- A New Method for MPECs and EPECs with a Natural Gas Application, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain November 29, 2011 (with Sauleh Siddiqui).
- Stochastic Dynamic Modeling in Energy (invited talk),DIW (German Institute for Economic Research), Berlin, Germany, January 12, 2010.
- Analyzing Energy Security in Natural Gas Markets Using the World Gas Model (invited talk), Statistics Norway, Oslo, Norway, January 18, 2010.
- Analyzing Energy Security in Natural Gas Markets Using the World Gas Model (invited talk), Institut Français du Pétrole, Paris, France, January 20, 2010.
- An Optimization Model for Biogas Production at the Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (invited talk), Enerday, TU-Dresden, Dresden, Germany, April 16, 2010.
- An Optimization Model for Biogas Production at the Blue Plans Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (invited talk) at Renewable Energy Research Conference, Trondheim, Norway, June 7-8, 2010, (with Chalida u-Tapao).
- A Model for Oligopolistic Natural Gas Markets A Theoretical Approach (invited talk), EURO Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 12, 2010 (with Ibrahim Abada-presenter, Vincent Briat, Olivier Massol).
- Analysis of a Possible Natural Gas Cartel, (invited talk), EURO Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-14, 2010 (with Knut Einar Rosendahl, Ruud Egging, Sauleh Siddiqui, Hakob Avetisyan).
- Solving Discretely-Constrained, Mixed Linear Complementarity Problems with Applications in Energy (invited talk), INFORMS 2010, Austin, Texas, Nov. 7-10, 2010 (with Antonio J. Conejo, Carlos Ruiz, Sauleh, Siddiqui).
- Using Schur's Decomposition and SOS Type 2 Variables to Solve Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints with an Application to the US Natural Gas Market (invited talk), INFORMS 2010, Austin, Texas, Nov. 7-10, 2010 (with Sauleh, Siddiqui, Hakob Avetisyan).
- A Multi-Objective Optimization Model for Biogas Production at the Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, DC Water, (invited talk), INFORMS 2010, Austin, Texas, Nov. 7-10, 2010 (with Chalida U-tapao).
- Market-Based Decision-Making for New Pipeline Construction for Natural Gas Supply , (invited talk), INFORMS 2010, Austin, Texas, Nov. 7-10, 2010 (with Hakob Avetisyan, Sauleh, Siddiqui).
- Discretely-Constrained MPECs for Electricity Markets, (invited talk), Instituto de Investigación Technologíca (IIT), Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain, December 3, 2010.
- Network Equilibrium Models in Energy and the Environment, (invited talk) Technische Universität-Berlin and to Prof. Edenhofer of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research/IPCC and colleagues, Berlin, Germany, January 12, 2009.
- Deterministic and Stochastic Equilibrium Models in Energy, (invited talk) The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),Trondheim, Norway, February 6, 2009.
- A Discretely-Constrained Stackelberg Game in Electricity, (invited talk) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, OptimA Conference, Optimization Applications in Engineering & Applied Sciences, March 25-27, 2009.
- Analyzing Global Natural Gas Markets Using a Large-Scale Game Theory Model,(invited talk) Agricultural and Resource Economics Dept., University of Maryland, April 22, 2009.
- Analyzing energy security in natural gas markets, (invited talk) EURO XXIII, Bonn, Germany, July 6, 2009.
- Solving Stochastic Complementarity Problems with Benders Method, (invited talk), 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Chicago, August 23-28, 2009.
- Analyzing Energy Security in Natural Gas Markets, (invited talk with R. Egging and H. Avetisyan), INFORMS San Diego, CA, October 11-14, 2009.
- A Dynamic Partitioning Benders Method for Discretely-Constrained MPEC (DC-MPEC), (inivited talk with Y. Shim), INFORMS San Diego, CA, October 11-14, 2009.
- Coordinating Biofuels Policies: Can We Meet Multiple Standards (invited talk with E. Safirova, S. Vajjhala, J.-S., Shih, A. Paul, R. Sweeney, J. Blonz), INFORMS San Diego, CA, October 11-14, 2009.
- Identification of Optimal Strategies for Energy Management and Reducing CO2 Emission within the Blue Plans Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, (invited talk with C. U-tapao), Third Annual Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Washington, DC, November 13, 2009.
- Natural Gas Pipeline Projects in Europe, (invited talk with H. Avetisyan and S. Siddiqui),Third Annual Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Washington, DC, November 13, 2009.
- Coordinating Biofuels Policies: Can We Meet Multiple Standards (invited talk with E. Safirova, A. Paul, J. Blonz), Third Annual Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Washington, DC, November 13, 2009.
- Discretely-Constrained Games (invited talk with F. Leuthold), Third Workshop on Game Theory in Energy, Resources and Environment HEC , Montréal, Canada, December 10-11, 2009.
- Analyzing energy security in natural gas markets using the World Gas Model (invited talk), Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha, Spain, December 17, 2009.
- Solving Stochastic Market Equilibria with an Application in Energy (invited talk with J. D Fuller), Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain, December 18, 2009.
- A Complementarity-Based Energy Equilibrium Model and a Scenario Reduction Algorithm, (invited talk), The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, January 25, 2008.
- A Complementarity-Based Energy Equilibrium Model and a Scenario Reduction Algorithm, (invited talk), Department of Industiral and Manufacturing Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, February 21, 2008.
- An Equilibrium Model for International Natural Gas Markets (invited talk), Electricité de France, Paris, France, April 1, 2008.
- Evaluating Real Options for Investments in Low-Carbon Energy Research & Development, (inivted talk with Jeremy Eckhause), ENERDAY Conference on Energy Economics and Technology, Energy Resources and Technologies in a Carbon Constrained World, April 11, 2008, Dresden, Germany.
- Stochastic Market Equilibrium Models Using Complementarity Theory, (invited talk with J. David Fuller, Ruud Egging, Yohan Shim), Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, May 8, 2008.
- A Benders Method for Solving Stochastic Complementarity Problems with an Application in Energy, (invited talk with J. David Fuller), CORS/Optimization Days 2008 Joint Conference, Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada, May 14, 2008.
- A Global Natural Gas Market Equilibrium Model, (invited talk with R. Egging, F. Holz, J. Zhuang, S. Kiet), University of Málaga, Spain, July 4, 2008.
- Stochastic Market Equilibrium Models Using Complementarity Theory, (invited talk with J. David Fuller, Y. Shim, R. Egging), University of Málaga, Spain, July 4, 2008.
- A Complementarity Model for the European Natural Gas Market with Worldwide LNG Representation (invited talk with R. Egging (presenter), F. Holz, J. Zhuang), Energy Modeling Forum Meeting, Stanford , California , January 25-26, 2007.
- Complementarity-Based Energy Equilibrium Models and a Scenario Reduction Algorithm (with J. Zhuang, S. Kiet ,and R. Egging), invited talk, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, Japan, March 22, 2007.
- A Complementarity-Based Global Natural Gas Market Equilibrium Model (with R. Egging, F. Holz, J. Zhuang, S. Kiet), invited talk to Tokyo Gas Company, Tokyo, Japan, March 23, 2007.
- Solving Stochastic Complementarity Problems for Natural Gas Markets Using Scenario Reduction (with J. Zhuang, R. Egging), invited talk, CORS 2007, London, Ontario, Canada, May 14, 2007.
- A Complementarity Model for the European Natural Gas Market with Worldwide LNG Representation (with R. Egging, F. Holz, J. Zhuang), invited talk, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, USA, May 22, 2007.
- Global Dependencies in Natural Gas Markets How do the European Natural Gas Market and the Worldwide LNG Market affect each other? (invited talk with R. Egging (presenter), F. Holz, J. Zhuang), 1st CESSA Conference, "Natural Gas, Nuclear Energy, and Security of Supply" Berlin , 31 May - 01 June, 2007.
- Military Operations Research Society (MORS) 75th Symposium, June 12-14, 2007, Annapolis, MD. “Mitigating Technical Risk in R&D Intensive Weapon System Acquisitions,” Eckhause, J., Hughes, D. and S. Gabriel.
- Stochasticity in Infrastructure Network Models: Application to Global Natural Gas Markets (invited talk with J. Zhuang and R. Egging), Technische Universität-Berlin, Berlin, Germany, June 28, 2007.
- A Complementarity Model for the EU Natural Gas Market (invited talk with J. Zhuang, S. Kiet, and R. Egging), 22nd European Conference on Operational Research, Prague, Czech Republic, July 8-11, 2007.
- A Global Natural Gas Equilibrium Model (invited talk with R. Egging, F. Holz, J. Zhuang, S. Kiet), Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, September 13, 2007.
- Global Natural Gas Market Equilibrium Models Expressed as Complementarity Problems, (invited talk with R. Egging, F. Holz, J. Zhuang, S. Kiet), Gaz de France, Paris, France, September 28, 2007.
- Stochastic Multiobjective Optimization for Telecommunications Network Reconfiguration, (invited talk with Y. Shim and J. Llorca), presented to Matheon Consortium at "Mathematics Meets Economics" workshop, Berlin, Germany, October 12, 2007.
- Application of a New Benders Decomposition Method for DC-MPECs to the Bidding Strategy of a Power Producer, presented at Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryalnd, November 2, 2007 (invited talk with S. de la Torre, A.J. Conejo, R. Garcia- Bertrand, Y. Shim).
- Topology Control in a Free Space Optical Network, presented at Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryalnd, November 2, 2007 (invited talk with Y. Shim, S. Milner).
- World Gas Model, presented at Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryalnd, November 2, 2007 (invited talk with F. Holz, R. Egging).
- Managing Odorous Biosolids from Wastewater Plant Using Statistical Odor Prediction Models, presented at Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryalnd, November 2, 2007 (invited talk with S. Vilalai, K. Hyunook,M. Ramirez).
- A Benders Decomposition Method for Discretely-constrained MPECs in Energy Planning, (invited talk with A. J. Conejo, Y. Shim, S. de la Torre, R. Garcia-Bertrand), INFORMS, Seattle, Washington, November 6, 2007.
- Bidding Strategies for Generators in Electricity Markets Using an Endogenous Treatment of Prices, (invited talk with A. J. Conejo, Y. Shim, S. de la Torre, R. Garcia-Bertrand), INFORMS, Seattle, Washington, November 6, 2007.
- Analyzing the Long-run Impact of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, (invited talk with Y. Chen, D. Burtraw, B.F. Hobbs, S. Kim, K. Palmer, A. Paul), INFORMS, Seattle, Washington, November 7, 2007.
- Natural Gas Market Modeling (invited talk with J. Zhuang and R. Egging), Atlantic Energy Group, presentation at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, January 27, 2006.
- A Stochastic Complementarity Problem for Natural Gas Market Equilibria and Scenario Reduction Methods (invited talk with J. Zhuang), CORS/Optimization Days 2006 Joint Conference, Montréal, Canada, May 8-10, 2006.
- A Natural Gas Equilibrium Model for North America (invited talk with J. Zhuang), Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) Meeting #23, Berlin, Germany, June 7, 2006.
- Complementarity Models for Natural Gas Market Equilibria with Endogenous Risk (invited talk with J. Zhuang), 29th IAEE International Conference, Potsdam, Germany, June 7-10, 2006.
- Scenario Reduction as Applied to Stochastic Complementarity Problems in Energy (invited talk with J. Zhuang and R. Egging), 19th Mini-Euro Conference, Operations Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector (ORMMES 2006), Coimbra, Portugal, September 6,7,8 2006.
- The Contract Design Problem in Retail Electric Power Markets (invited talk with A. Conejo, M.A. Plazas, and S. Balakrishan), INFRADAY Conference on Infrastructure, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin Germany, October 6-7, 2006.
- Methods for MPEC Planning Problems in Energy (invited talk with Y. Shim, A. Conejo, R. Garcia-Bertrrand), INFORMS Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November 5-8, 2006.
- Methods for Stochastic Complementarity Models of Natural Gas Market Equilibria (invited talk with R. Egging, J. Zhuang), INFORMS Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November 5-8, 2006.
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Nov. 5-8, 2006, Pittsburgh, PA. “Evaluating Real Options for Mitigating Risk in Government R&D Acquisitions,” Eckhause, J., Hughes, D. and S. Gabriel.
- Southern Economic Association (SEA) Annual Meeting, Nov. 18-21, 2006, Charleston, SC. “Real Options for Public Sector R&D Investments,” Hughes, D., Eckhause, J. and S. Gabriel.
- An Analysis of the European Natural Gas Market Using GASTALE-A Complementarity Model (invited talk with R. Egging), 17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2005.
- A Stochastic Equilibrium Model for the North American Natural Gas Market (invited talk with J. Zhuang) , 17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2005.
- Efficient Heuristics for Congestion Minimization in Dynamic Free Space Optical Networks (invited talk with Y. Shim, A. Desai, S. Milner, P. Sahakij, J. Zhuang), INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, California, November 2005.
- Evaluating Effectiveness of Cost Minimization Heuristics in Optical Wireless Networks (invited talk with J. Llorca, A. Desai, S. Milner, Y. Shim), INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, California, November 2005.
- Statistical Modeling to Forecast Odor Levels of Biosolids Applied to Reuse Sites (invited talk with S. Vilalai, C. Peot, M. Ramirez), INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, California, November 2005.
- Multiobjective Optimization Modeling of Biosolids Odors and Costs at a Wastewater Treatment Plant (invited talk with P. Sahakij, C. Peot, M. Ramirez), INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, California, November 2005.
- Prediction of Dimethyl Disulfide Levels from Biosolids Using Statistical Modeling (invited talk with H. Kim, S. Vilalai, S. Arispe , L. L. McConnell , A. Torrents, C. Peot, M. Ramirez), INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, California, November 2005.
- Decomposition Methods Applied to a Land Development Problem (invited talk with J.A. Faria), INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, California, November 2005.
- Bi Level Optimization of a Land Development Problem with Minimum Spanning Trees (invited talk with J.A. Faria), INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, California, November 2005.
- A Stochastic Equilibrium Model for the North American Natural Gas Market (invited talk with J. Zhuang), INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, California, November 2005.
- The Contract Design Problem in Retail Electric Power Markets (invited talk with A. Conejo, M.A. Plazas, and S. Balakrishnan), INFORMS Conference, Denver, Colorado, Oct. 24-27, 2004.
- Minimum Spanning Trees and Multiobjective Optimization for Smart Growth Land Development Planning (invited talk with J. Faria and G. Moglen), INFORMS Conference, Denver, Colorado, Oct. 24-27, 2004.
- A Stochastic Natural Gas Equilibrium Model for North America (invited talk with J. Zhuang), INFORMS Conference, Denver, Colorado, Oct. 24-27, 2004.
- A Micro-Level Approach to Solving Market Equilibria in Natural Gas (invited talk with S. Kiet), INFORMS Conference, Denver, Colorado, Oct. 24-27, 2004.
- Recent Numerical Results for a Natural Gas Equilibrium Model for North America (invited talk with S. Kiet and J. Zhuang), INFORMS Conference, Denver, Colorado, Oct. 24-27, 2004.
- A Nash-Cournot Equilibrium Model for the North American Natural Gas Sector, (invited talk with S. Kiet and J. Zhuang), Universidad Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain, September 23, 2004.
- Complementarity Problems in Restructured Gas Markets, (invited talk with Y. Smeers), 12th French-German-Spanish Conference on Optimization, Avignon, France, 20-24 September, 2004.
- GASTALE-Analysis of Gas Supply Security in Europe, (invited talk with R. Egging, M.B. Boots), 6th IAEE European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 1-3 September, 2004.
- A Nash-Cournot Model for the North American Natural Gas Market, (invited talk with S. Kiet and J.-F. Zhuang), 6th IAEE European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 1-3 September, 2004.
- Results from a North American Natural Gas Market Equilibrium Model, (invited talk with S. Kiet and J.-F. Zhuang), CORS/INFORMS Joint Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 2004.
- Optimal Retail Forward Load Estimates for the Texas Market Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming, (invited talk with P. Sahakij and S. Balakrishnan), INFORMS Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 2003.
- Pool-Based Electricity Market Equilibrium under LMP and Minimum Profit Conditions, (invited talk with A. Conejo and R. Garcia-Bertrand), INFORMS Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 2003.
- A Mixed Complementary Model of the Natural Gas Market, (invited talk with S. Kiet and J.-F. Zhuang), INFORMS Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 2003.
- An Equilibrium Model of the North American Natural Gas Market, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, January 31, 2003 (invited talk with S. Kietnithiamorn, J.-F. Zhuang).
- Pool-Based Electricity Market Equilibrium Under Locational Marginal Pricing, (invited talk with A. Conejo and R. García-Bertrand), INFORMS Conference, San Jose California, November 17-20, 2002.
- A Multiobjective Approach to Solving “Smart Growth” Land Deveopment Problems, (invited talk with J.A. Faria, G.E. Moglen), INFORMS Conference, San Jose California, November 17-20, 2002.
- An Equilibrium Model of the North American Natural Gas Market, (invited talk with S. Kietnithiamorn, J.-F. Zhuang), INFORMS Conference, San Jose California, November 17-20, 2002.
- A Probabilistic Optimization Model for Settlement Risk in Retail Electrical Power Markets, (invited talk with S. Kietnithiamorn, S. Balakrishan), INFORMS Conference, San Jose California, November 17-20, 2002.
- Exploring Smart Growth in Land Development Using Multi-Objective Optimization, October 11, 2002, Dept. of Geography and Environmental Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University.
- A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach to Smart Growth in Land Development, Canadian Operational Research Society 2002, Toronto (contributed talk with G. Moglen, J. Faria) (htm file).
- Analyzing Forecasting Strategies in Retail Electrical Power Markets, S. Gabriel Optimization Days 2002, Montréal (contributed talk with , M. F. Genc, S. Balakrishnan, S. Kiethnithiamorn, P. Sahakij) (htm file).
- A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach to Smart Growth in Maryland, Maryland Dept. of Transportation, April 16, 2002, S. Gabriel, G. Moglen, J. Faria (htm file).
- The Retail Electric Power Marketer's Problem, INFORMS International Conference, Maui, Hawaii, June 17-20, 2001 (invited talk with S. Balakrishnan) (htm file).
- Are Smart Growth Objectives Complimentary or Conflicting?, American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, June 1, 2001, Boston, (contributed talk with G. Moglen)
(htm file). - Impact of Electricity and Industrial Demand Growth on Overall U.S. Natural Gas Pricing, Demand, and Transportation, 24th International IAEE Conference, Houston, Texas, April 25-27, 2001, (invited talk with S. Vikas and J. Manik) (pdf file).
- The Nonadditive Traffic Equilibrium Problem, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, March 8, 2001 (invited talk).
- An Intertemporal, Market Equilibrium Model of the North American Natural Gas System Using Successive Linear Programming, D&IT Department, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, December 1, 2000 (invited talk).
- Numerical Experiments with a Large-Scale Equilibrium Model for the North American Natural Gas System, INFORMS Conference, San Antonio, Texas, November 5-8, 2000 (contributed talk with S. Vikas and J. Manik) (pdf file).
- Solving an Intertemporal, Interregional Equilibrium for the North American Natural Gas Market, INFORMS Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 9, 2000 (invited talk with S. Vikas and J. Manik).
- Natural Gas Issues in a High Natural Gas Demand World, INFORMS Conference, Philadelphia, November 8, 1999 (invited talk with S. Vikas and D. Ribar).
- Natural Gas Issues in a High Natural Gas Demand World, USAEE 20th Annual North American Conference, Orlando Florida, August 30, 1999 (contributed talk with S. Vikas and D. Ribar).
- Predicting Henry Hub Natural Gas Prices and the Connection with Climate Change, INFORMS Conference, Cincinnati, May l, 1999 (invited talk with D. Ribar, R. Baron, A. Gulhati, G. Guzman)
- The Influence of Canadian Carbon Stabilization Programs on Natural Gas Exports to the United States , INFORMS Conference, Montreal, April, 1998 and 21st Annual Conference International Association for Energy Economics, Quebec, Canada, May 1998 (contributed talk with D. Ribar, W. I. Willis, E. F. Hardy, R. E. Baron).
- Solving the Nonadditive Shortest Path Problem, INFORMS Conference, Montreal, April, 1998. (contributed talk with D. Bernstein).
- The Nonadditive Traffic Equilibrium Problem, Optimization Days, University of Montreal, May, 1997. (invited talk)
- A Reservoir-Based Model for the North American Natural Gas Market, Optimization Days, University of Montreal, May, 1997. (invited talk)
- A Reservoir-Based Model for Analyzing North American Natural Gas Storage, INFORMS Conference, San Diego, CA, May, 1997. (contributed talk with S. Vikas and E. Hardy).
- A Reservoir-Based Model for Forecasting Natural Gas Supply, Demand, and Prices in the North American Gas Market, presented at the 17th Annual North American Conference, United States Association for Energy Economics/International Association for Energy Economics, Boston, MA, October 1996. (contributed talk with S. Vikas, M. Godec, and W. Pepper).
- Development and Testing of a Comprehensive Gas Storage Reservoir Performance Model, presented at the Eastern Regional Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, # 37342, Columbus, OH, October 1996. (contributed talk with S. Vikas, H. Mohan, and A. B. Becker)
- The Traffic Equilibrium Problem with Nonadditive Path Costs, presented at the Conference on Network Optimization, Center for Applied Optimization, University of Florida, Gainesville, February 1996.(invited talk with D. Bernstein)
- Smoothing Techniques for Mixed Complementarity Problems, presented at the International Conference on Complementarity Problems, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, November 1995. (invited talk with J. J. More' and Z. Wu)
- The National Energy Modeling System: A Large-Scale Equilibrium Model at the U.S. Department of Energy, presented at the International Conference on Complementarity Problems, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, November 1995. (invited talk with A. S. Kydes)
- A Path Generation Method for the Nonadditive Traffic Equilibrium Problem, presented at the Urban Transportation Center, University of Illinois at Chicago, February 1995. (invited talk with D. Bernstein)
- A Path Generation Method for Solving the General Traffic Equilibrium Problem, presented at the 41st North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International, Niagara Falls, Canada, November 1994. (invited talk with D. Bernstein)
- The National Energy Modeling System: A Large-Scale Equilibrium Model at the U.S. Department of Energy, presented at the 15th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, The University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), August 1994. (invited talk with A. S. Kydes)
- Modern Approaches to Equilibrium Modeling with Emphasis on Economic Applications, a seminar series (4 sessions) offered at the U.S. Department of Energy, June 1994. (invited seminar)
- A Path Generation Method Based on NE/SQP for Solving the Asymmetric, Elastic Traffic Equilibrium Problem, presented at the joint ORSA/TIMS meeting, Boston, MA, April 1994. (contributed talk)
- The NE/SQP Method and Extensions, presented at the joint ORSA/TIMS meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 1992. (contributed talk with J. S. Pang)
- The NE/SQP Method and Extensions, presented at the ICIAM meeting, Washington, DC, July 1991. (contributed talk with J. S. Pang)
- The NE/SQP Method for Solving the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem, presented at the Workshop on Algorithms and Applications of Economic Equilibrium Models, The University of Western Ontario, June 1991. (invited talk with J. S. Pang)
- The NE/SQP Method for Solving the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem, presented at the joint ORSA/TIMS meeting, Nashville, TN, Spring 1991. (contributed talk with J. S. Pang)
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