Journal Articles and Chapters in Books (by subject)
Dr. Steven A. Gabriel
- Energy Markets and Management
- Environmental Management
- Project Management
- Telecommunications
- Transportation
- Optimization and Equilibrium Algorithms
Energy Markets and Management
- S. A. Gabriel, A. S. Kydes, P. Whitman, 2001. "The National Energy Modeling System: A Large-Scale Energy-Economic Equilibrium Model," Operations Research, 49 (1), 14-25.
- S. A. Gabriel, M.F. Genc, and S. Balakrishnan, 2002. "A Simulation Approach to Balancing Annual Risk and Reward in Retail Electrical Power Markets," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 17 (4), 1050-1057.
- S. A. Gabriel, J. Manik , S. Vikas, 2003. "Computational Experience with a Large-Scale, Multi-Period, Spatial Equilibrium Model of the North American Natural Gas System," Networks and Spatial Economics,3, 97-122.
- S. A. Gabriel, P. Sahakij, S. Balakrishnan, 2004. "Optimal Retailer Load Estimates Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming," ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering 130(1), 1-17.
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Kiet, S. Balakrishnan, 2004. "A Mixed Integer Stochastic Optimization Model for Settlement Risk in Retail Electric Power Markets", Networks and Spatial Economics 4, 323-345.
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Kiet, J. Zhuang, 2005. "A Mixed Complementarity-Based Equilibrium Model of Natural Gas Markets", Operations Research, 53(5), 799-818.
- S. A. Gabriel, J. Zhuang, S. Kiet, 2005. "A Large-Scale Complementarity Model of the North American Natural Gas Market", Energy Economics, 27, 639-665.
- R. García-Bertrand, A. J. Conejo, S. A. Gabriel, 2005. "Multi-Period Near-Equilibrium in a Pool-Based Electricity Market Including On/Off Decisions," Networks and Spatial Economics, 5(4), 371-393.
- S. A. Gabriel, A. J. Conejo, M. A. Plazas, S. Balakrishnan, 2006. "Optimal Price and Quantity Determination for Retail Electric Power Contracts," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 21(1), 180-187.
- R. Egging, S. A. Gabriel, "Examining Market Power in the European Natural Gas Market", 2006. Energy Policy, 34 (17), 2762-2778.
- R. García-Bertrand, A. J. Conejo, S. A. Gabriel, 2006. "Electricity Market Near-Equilibrium Under Locational Marginal Pricing and Minimum Profit Conditions," European Journal of Operational Research, 174, 457-479.
- S. A. Gabriel and Y. Smeers, 2006. "Complemenatarity Problems in Restructured Natural Gas Markets," Recent Advances in Optimization. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Edited by A. Seeger,Vol. 563, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 343-373.
- J. Zhuang, S.A. Gabriel, 2008, "A Complementarity Model for Solving Stochastic Natural Gas Market Equilibria," Energy Economics 30(1), 113-147.
- R. Egging, S.A. Gabriel, F.Holz, J. Zhuang. 2008. "A Complementarity Model for the European Natural Gas Market," Energy Policy 36, 2385-2414.
- S.A. Gabriel, F.U. Leuthold , 2010. "Solving Discretely-Constrained MPEC Problems with Applications in Electric Power Markets," Energy Economics, 32, 3-14.
- R. Egging, F. Holz, C. von Hirschhausen, S.A. Gabriel, 2009. " Representing GASPEC with the World Gas Model,"The Energy Journal, 30, 97-118.
- R. Egging , F. Holz, S. A. Gabriel, 2010. " The World Gas Model A Multi-Period Mixed Complementarity Model for the Global Natural Gas Market, " Energy, 35, 4016-4029.
M. Ruth, A. Blohm, J. Mauer , S.A. Gabriel, J.G. Kesana, Y. Chen, B. Hobbs, D. Irani, 2010. "Strategies for Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reductions: Residential Natural Gas Efficiency, Economic and Ancillary Health Impacts in Maryland," Energy Policy, 38(11), 6926-6935.
Environmental Management
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Vikas, D. M. Ribar, 2000. "Measuring the Influence of Canadian Carbon Stabilization Programs on Natural Gas Exports to the United States via a Bottom-Up Intertemporal Spatial Price Equilibrium Model," Energy Economics, 22, 497-525.
- G. E. Moglen, S. A. Gabriel, J. A. Faria, 2003. "A Framework for Quantitative Smart Growth in Land Development," Journal of the American Water Resources, 39(4),947-959.
- S. A. Gabriel, S.Vilalai, S.C. Arispe, H. Kim, L.L. McConnell, A. Torrents, C. Peot, M. Ramirez. 2005 " Prediction of Dimethyl Disulfide Levels from Biosolids Using Statistical Modeling," J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A 40(11), 2009-2025.
- S. A. Gabriel, J. A. Faria, G.E. Moglen, 2006. "A Multiobjective Optimization Approach to Smart Growth in Land Development," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 40, 212-248.
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Vilalai, C. Peot, M. Ramirez, 2006. "Statistical Modeling to Forecast Odor Levels of Biosolids Applied to Reuse Sites," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering 132(5), 479-488.
- S.A. Gabriel, P. Sahakij, M. Ramirez, C. Peot, 2007. "A Multiobjective Optimization Model for Processing and Distributing Biosolids to Reuse Fields," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58, 850-864.
- M. Ruth, S.A. Gabriel, 2008. K. Palmer, D. Burtraw, A. Paul, Y. Chen, B.F. Hobbs, D. Irani, J. Michael, K. Ross, R. Conklin, J. Miller , "Economic and Energy Impacts from Participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: A Case Study of the State of Maryland," Energy Policy, 36, 2279-2289.
- P. Sahakij, S.A. Gabriel, M. Ramirez, C. Peot, "Multi-objective Optimization Models for Distributing Biosolids to Reuse Fields: A Case Study for the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant," Networks and Spatial Economics, September 2008, accepted.
- S.A. Gabriel, S. Vilalai, P. Sahakij, M. Ramirez, C. Peot. 2009. "Models for Improving Management of Biosolids Odors," in Uncertainty and Environmental Decision Making, Springer, 315-334.
Project Management
- S. A. Gabriel, S. Kumar, J. Ordóñez, A. Nasserian, 2006. "A Multiobjective Optimization Model for Project Selection with Probabilistic Considerations," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 40, 397-313.
- S. A. Gabriel, J.F. Ordóñez, and J. A. Faria, 2006. “Contingency Planning in Project Selection Using Multiobjective Optimization and Chance Constraints,” ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 12(2), 112-120.
- J.M. Eckhause, D.R. Hughes, S.A. Gabriel, 2009. " Evaluating Real Options for Mitigating Technical Risk in Public Sector R& D Acquisitions," International Journal of Project Management, 27, 365-377.
- S.A. Gabriel, J. Eckhause, D. R. Hughes, "An Integer Programming Approach for Evaluating Real Options Models for R&D Funding Decisions," November 2009, in review.
- Y. Shim, S.A. Gabriel, A. Desai, P. Sahakij, S. Milner, "A Fast Heuristic Method for Minimizing Traffic Congestion on Reconfigurable Ring Topologies," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59, 521-539, 2008.
- S.A. Gabriel, Y. Shim, J. Llorca, S. Milner, 2008. "A Multiobjective Optimization Model for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Ring Topologies with Stochastic Load," Networks and Spatial Economics 8(4), 419-441.
- S. A. Gabriel and D. Bernstein, 1997. "The Traffic Equilibrium Problem with Nonadditive Costs," Transportation Science, 31, 337-348.
- D. Bernstein and S. A. Gabriel, 1997. "Solving the Nonadditive Traffic Equilibrium Problem," in Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems Network Optimization, P. M. Pardalos, D. W. Hearn, W. W. Hager, eds., Springer, 72-102.
- S. A. Gabriel and D. Bernstein, 2000. "Nonadditive Shortest Paths: Subproblems in Multi-Agent Competitive Network Models," Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 6, 29-45.
Optimization and Equilibrium Algorithms
- S. A. Gabriel and J. S. Pang, 1992. "An Inexact NE/SQP Method for Solving the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem," Computational Optimization and Applications, 1, 67-91.
- J. S. Pang and S. A. Gabriel, 1993. "NE/SQP: a Robust Algorithm for the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem," Mathematical Programming, 60, 295-337.
- S. A. Gabriel and J. S. Pang, 1994. "A Trust Region Method for Constrained Nonsmooth Equations," in Large-Scale Optimization: State of the Art, edited by W.W. Hager, D.W. Hearn, and P. Pardalos, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 159-186.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1998. "An NE/SQP Method for the Bounded Nonlinear Complementarity Problem," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 97, 493-506.
- S. A. Gabriel, 1998. "A Hybrid Smoothing Method for the Mixed Nonlinear Complementarity Problem," Computational Optimization and Applications, 9, 153-173.
- S. A. Gabriel, R. García-Bertrand, P. Sahakij, A. Conejo, 2006. "A Practical Approach in Approximating Bilinear Functions in Mathematical Programming Problems by Using Schur's Decomposition and SOS Type 2 Variables," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57, 995-1004.
- S.A. Gabriel, J. Zhuang, R. Egging, 2009. “Solving Stochastic Complementarity Problems in Energy Market Modeling Using Scenario Reduction,” European Journal of Operational Research 197(3), 1028-1040.
- S.A. Gabriel, Y. Shim, A.J. Conejo, S. de la Torre, R. García-Bertrand. 2009. "A Benders Decomposition Method for Discretely-Constrained Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints with Applications in Energy,"Journal of the Operational Research Society, (online publication).
- S.A. Gabriel and J. D. Fuller, 2010. "A Benders Decomposition Method for Solving Stochastic Complementarity Problems with an Application in Energy," Computational Economics, 35(4),301-329.
- M. Li, S.A. Gabriel, Y. Shim, S. Azarm, 2010. " Robust Optimization Using Worst Case Analysis for Convex and Non-Convex Quadratic Programs,"Networks and Spatial Economics, accepted, November.